I was the Invisible Nerd... Now I'm... Not? [5]

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Hey Readers!!!

I would like to introduce you all to chapter 5!!!!!

Its starts off with Steven than Amber-lee

I'm upload like wild fire and I love your comments!!

Aloha au ia'oe! (That means ily/I love you all)

-from the chaotic tinny


Steven's Pov

I was beginning to wonder, why Blanche still wanted to be with Penn. I mean from the looks of things Penn sure as hell doesn't want her, he seems to be more interested in that hottie with the green glasses, and I don't blame him. Penn just told Blanche off, one thing's for sure I have never heard Penn that angry about... well, anything.

'What's stuck up his butt' Blanche hissed under her breathe. 'I bet it's that nerdy... 'She let off a string of curses a sailor would be ashamed of. Haha, my mum tells me that saying all the time.

'Blanche, relax' I reached over and pulled her closer to me. 'You still have me'

She pushed me away, away from me! What the hell?

'I don't want you, I want Penn' then she stormed off.

'Well, that's not what you said Last night!' I yell after her. And was instantly surrounded by silence, maybe I said that a little too loud, I thought.


Blanche's Pov

I'm so going to teach that boyfriend stealing nerd freak, not to mess with me. What is up with Penn? Why the sudden change in Mood? Anyway, focus Blanche. You're a Hills; you always get what you want! Totally not, true. This is what my mother wanted was for me to be a total bitch and to own the school and to have a hot boyfriend, well mum you have your wish.

I was walking into the games corner, I looked to my left there was a claw machine and to my right there... there...




There stood Penn just about to kiss that freaky nerd! So this is what it feels like to be cheated on, I'm usually the one doing the cheating, not the one being cheated on!


Amber-lee's Pov

Once I saw Blanche, I shot out of that room in less than a second; I'm just going to leave this with Penn. Ohh, did I just become the other woman! And why don't I feel guilty or bad or sad? Whoa, who knew all this stuff could happen all in one day, and that day being my birthday.

Well, god has a wicked sense of humor.

I walk out into the main Restaurant area, looking around a few time I spotted Taylor by the bar talk to a pretty good-looking guy from the looks of the back of his head. He had Sandy golden hair, and pretty lean build. He was a lot taller than Taylor was; as I got closer, his features became more apparent. He had Familiar Green eyes and a tattoo of a few words written on the inside of his arm. Come to think of it, he looks a lot like my Athletics couch from way back when I was about 12 years old.


He is my old Athletics couch!

I walked over to my mother and stood next to her; they turned and looked at me like I just came out of nowhere.

'Ohh, Amie. You remember you Old Athletics Couch, Brodie Somers right?' she turned to me with a love stuck face I looked up at Brodie. I raised an eyebrow, he has changed a lot sense our last session.

'Amber-lee Bryce' he held his hand out, I stared at it for a minute or so before shaking it. 'you were one of my best Athletes' I looked over at Taylor, the last time her face was like that all 'I'm so in love right now' look, Taylor was crying for a week. That was horrible for me, knowing my best friend/mother was in so much pain. I don't want it happening again.

'Really that's nice' I mumbled. What's this guys plan, maybe I would have to give him a few... tests. I think Taylor knew what I was thinking because she elbowed me out of Brodie's hand.

'So, Brodie' She glared at me, I just gave her my clueless look. 'I will see you tomorrow night then?'

'Yes, I will pick you up at 8'

Eww, my mother on another date? Jeez, I don't want to be home alone another night as well. I swear Taylor picks up more guys then Blanche and that's saying something. Once Brodie had gone off into the crowd, Taylor pulled me aside.

'Amber-lee Bryce, I know what you're thinking, and I don't like it. 'She gave me a stern look, this time serious. 'Let me see how this one goes, I really like Brodie, Amie'

She looked at me soulfully; I guess I should let them try to hit it off. Even if it is, my old Athletics couch.

'okay fine, but if you so much as stick a spoon into the chocolate ice-cream at home, I'm taking action' when it comes to family, I will move heaven and earth for them to be happy. Even though, I don't even know my father.

'Okay subject change' she held her hands up. 'Did my plan work?'

I was hoping to avoid this subject...


This is a little short and I'm sorry....

What do you think is happening with Blanche and Penn?

Will Blanche fight for Penn?

Is Steven going to go after Amber-lee?

Will Amber find out who her father is?

Sign, so many questions so little time.

Remember to.......



For you chance to get a sneak peek into

The next few chapters....

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