Back to Narnia (1)

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I had been living with in the Pevensie household for the past year. Helen Pevensie had taken me in after Peter told her about me in is letter. The first few months of being in England were very hard, as I had to adapt to the new clothes the new ways of travel. Peter stayed with me through it all. Susan became my big sister and helped me through much of my school life as she was only in the year below. Edmund became one of my better friends as he had matured a great deal in the year we had been away from Narnia. The year I had spent away from home. Lucy returned to England far more knowledgeable, and was often over looked by her three siblings. However, she was once a queen.

I was walking with Peter to our platform so we could catch the underground train to our school. All the technology still baffled me. I wore my St Finbars burgundy blazer with my yellow and blue tie. We were walking down stairs hand in hand, when one of the boys from Peter's school walked past us, breaking our hands. His two companions followed him.

"You should say sorry, blocking my way like that." The boy demanded.

"I shall do no such thing." Peter replied. I jumped over to his side and stood beside my once husband.

"If you won't say sorry, how about I take the apology from you. Pretty girlfriend you have here." The ringleader commented. His two friends snatched me from Peter. The main person then grabbed my cheeks between his hands and forced my lips onto his, in front of Peter. This sent Peter into a rage. He launched at the boys and one held me tightly in his arms while the other two-attacked Peter.

Peter attempted to hold his ground. I struggled in the boys grip. My perfect grey skirt now messy and my hair was now tangled. The boy holding me decided to let his hands wander slightly. Peter noticed this and tried to dive for me. This caused the other two to punch him to the ground. A crowd had gathered around us as Peter fought harder. Boys and girls chanted rhythmically as the boys continued brawling.

"Peter!" I shouted at him as the boy started to kiss my cheek, going down to my shoulder. I refused to cry and show weakness but I hated the way he was touching me.

"Let her go!" Peter cried as he lunged for me again, only to be thrown to the floor again by the two other boys. I caught eyes with a worried Lucy and a disappointed Susan. Peter had been getting into many fights since we had returned from Narnia. He mostly fought defending me but at times he snapped at people for silly things.

He managed to get one to the floor before being pinned by the other. It was clear he was fighting out of anger and not using his head. I tried to get out of the grip but couldn't without seeming unlady like. I was out of my comfort zone but ladies in modern England had to not fight like they had been for over 100 years. I saw Edmund rush to his brother aid. Now the fight was a little fairer. The boy holding me could see Peter and Edmund were beginning to take control so he pushed me towards the train tracks.

"Peter help!" I screamed as we neared. No one watching helped me as they would rather see someone else fight for my life. Peter pushed the boy off me but was thrown to the floor by the main boy and the one who was holding me. I watched in horror as Peter's head got pushed over the platform edge. Edmund jumped on the boy who had just kicked Peter's stomach. The main boy stood up and came towards me while Peter was standing. The boy slapped me hard in the face resulting in me falling to the floor. Before Peter could punch him a whistle cut through the roar of the crowd.

The crowd dispersed and went in many different directions.

"Act your age!" The man said to Peter.

"You never hit a woman, do you understand?" He scalded the boy harshly. I stood up and ran to Peter who wrapped his arms protectively around me. We all walked to a bench where Peter put my bag and his. I sat on Peters lap while Lucy rubbed the arm that was hugging me. I leant into his chest.

"Your welcome." Edward commented, his voice much deeper than when I had first met him.

"I had it sorted." Peter retorted. He sat me down in his place as he stood up.

"What was it this time?" Susan asked. It was clear she was still the mom of the group even though I was older.

"He bumped me and then kissed Addy. Why do they always go after Addy?" He asked back.

"Maybe because she is the hottest girl in school." Lucy said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. I hugged Lucy.

"Don't you ever get tired of everyone treating us like kids?" He questioned.

"We are kids, Pete." I pointed out. Edmund sniggered at my comment.

"I wasn't always." Peter liked reminding the family that he was once an adult who was married and a father to be. He was yet to realise that we were all adults but that was in the past and he had to stop dwelling on that fact. You can't live in the past after all. I stood up and touched his arm reassuringly. He brushed me off and sat where I was sitting. I didn't try to talk to him I just moved and stood next to Susan.

"It's been a year. How long does he expect us to wait?" Peter asked.

"I think its time to accept that we live here." Susan said crossing her arms.

"There is no point pretending any different." I added. Peter turned away from Susan and me.

"Owww!" Lucy shouted. She stood up angry.

"Stop pulling!" Peter shouted at Ed who denied being in contact with Peter. The four siblings stood up and I joined them.

"Everyone hold hands." Susan instructed. I shook my head at Lucy. I felt the pull but I wasn't going to hold hands because of it. The station began to fall apart. My head began pounding and I was forced to sit back on the bench as my vision started to spin rapidly.

All of a sudden it stopped. I looked up to see myself in a field of long grass. Trees lined the field and the faint glow of lights in the distance indicated the familiar glow from a castle. The feeling of comfort and security came over me. I was home.

"Whoah." A mans voice said. I heard the familiar sound of horses. I turned and was met by 5 black horses with armoured riders. The riders were not dressed in Narnian armour, but a different style, slightly more modern. The sight of five men alone made a sense of worry consume my body, and fear run down the length of my spine.

"Who might you be?" The middle one said. I looked at my clothes to see a royal blue Narnian dress and my crown on my head.

"I am High Queen Adelaide Amity Pevensie of Narnia, Empress of the Lone Isles, Guardian Angel and wife of High King Peter the Magnificent. Who are you?" I questioned. I stood up and faced the men. I dug within myself to appear calm despite my terror. I put into practise the many techniques I had discovered to appear powerful in front of your enemy.

"Impossible, the legends said the High Queen was long dead, over 1,400 years ago. Also she had wings. Who are you really?" This comment made me glance back. I opened up my white wings to full wingspan. I stood as a full Guardian Angel. All mouths dropped.

"Get her." He commanded. I screamed as hands grabbed me. Then I blacked out.

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