Turn to Reign (18)

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December 24th (Five years after leaving Narnia.)

"Adelaide Amity, will you do me the honour of becoming my bride, again?" He whispered the again. Our friends and family surrounded us at our Christmas Eve party. I was stood in our back yard, snow sticking to my clothes. Peter was knelt in front of me, a box containing a diamond ring in his hand. With a nod through my own tears I say yes. Everyone cheered from our back porch and smiled in the joyful moment. Peter lifted me into the air, spinning me round like he had when he first proposed. We married at the end of June the following year.

July 17th (Six years after leaving Narnia.)

Peter was in his study. I walked in slowly, not bothering to knock. Peter had passed all qualifications and become the finest young doctor in London.

"What is it Addy, you look troubled." He sat up straight away, forgetting his work and came to stand in front of me.

"Peter, I uh... I do not quite know how to say this.... but...I am uh... pregnant." I stuttered. His face went from concern to happiness once I had finished. He picked me up, hugging me tight.

"I can't believe it! I am going to be a father!" I nodded and grinned at him. The only sadness was that Aslan wouldn't meet his grandchild.

April 26th

Peter and I were walking to Susan's house, with our gorgeous baby girl in my arms. She had been born on the 19th and we were finally introducing her to her auntis and uncles and her grandparents. Peter knocked. Within seconds, Susan answered the door and awed at Nancy Pevensie. She was handed over to Susan who took her into the room. Peter kissed me and led me through the house. We sat on the sofa, talking with everyone. Peter then turned to me,

"Addy, what do you think about me growing my beard back?" He asked, rubbing his chin. In Narnia he grew his hair and his beard.

"Maybe." I smiled, kissing him. This moment was perfect. I was sat with my little family and Peter's family in one room. Only one thing would make it more perfect. If I had my family here too, I would be very happy.

August 8th (12 years after leaving Narnia.)

I was cooking dinner, my baby boy Anthony in my arms, when I heard Nancy calling me. She was 6 years old and had beautiful brown hair. Peter was at work when she ran down the stairs.

"Mommmy!" Nancy squealed in joy. I turned to her.

"What is wrong sweetie?" I asked her, turning and smiling at her. She stopped and calmed her breathing. Then her face lit up and she looked into my eyes.

" I went to Narnia." She said. My mouth dropped. Both Peter and I had told her stories of our past. She was after all the princess to the High King and Queen of Narnia.

"What?" I couldn't believe it. She had gone to my home. She had been there.

"I saw Aslan and he took me to Cair Paravel. He said King Caspian was the one who rebuilt it. That way the Narnians could remember you and Susan and Ed and Lucy and daddy. He told me to tell you he misses you and now it was my turn to reign just like you did." I put Anthony in his crib and sat Nancy down. She told me everything. How she visited Cair Paravel and how Caspian had rebuilt it exactly. Aslan told her to return soon. He gave her our old weapons and said that when Anthony was old enough he would inherit Peters sword as Nancy has my bow and arrows and daggers.

"He said I was Princess Nancy the brave. I have angel wings mommy." She beamed. I couldn't wait to tell Peter. Our daughter was now having her own adventures as a princess. I wanted to hear all about it. She was just like her mom and dad.

My name is Adelaide Pevensie. I was the High Queen of a magical land called Narnia. I am married to High King Peter Pevensie. We have two children together. I was born into a magical world. My father raised me; he is the Great King and is also a lion. I have lived over 100 years. I can fight with a bow and arrow or throwing daggers. I have been in many wars. I thought magic was only in Narnia. I was wrong. There is magic in this world too, you just need to look close enough. When someone helps someone else or two people fall in love, magic begins. When a child is born, magic is created. It may not be magic you see, but it is magic you can feel. Peter and my children are my magic. You just need to look deep within yourself to see the magic lying within. This was my story.

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