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Edmunds POV

I rode on the back of my gryphon, looking over the dead bodies lying over the floor. After hearing screaming like no other, we had decided to fly over, knowing the others may want to know. As we flew over the silence of death hung heavier than any silence after any battle I had ever witnessed. The silence made us circle around twice. The second time, I caught sight of two white things in the moonlight. After pointing them out we went down to investigate. Upon closer inspection I heard someone gasping for air. I turned my from the wings and saw the last person who deserved it. Ad was lay on her front, eyes closed, trying to hold on to life. I saw tiny stumps on her back that were bleeding heavily. I ran over to her, holding her head as the gryphon nudged her body. I helped lift her onto his back before climbing on and us flying off. I then leaned down to her ear.

"You'll be alright Ad, you just have to hang on a little longer." I whispered. I turned to the gryphon that was not flying nearly as fast as he needed to.

"We need to hurry up." I stated. With a yes your highness, the gryphon flew faster than ever.

Peter POV

We walked back in silence. Hearing her scream after watching her fall from the sky was a nightmare I would never forget. Watching her wings give up was too much. But when I imagined what they must have done to her to make her scream as loud as she, it brought tears to my eyes. Those tears I turned to anger. The anger was directed at Caspian. If he hadn't called us, she would be alive.

I saw Lucy run out to meet the survivors as we neared the How. Her smile was replaced with a frown once she saw our minimum army and our sad faces. I looked at the Aslans How, asking myself why Aslan took her away from me. I wondered why he would let such a fate end his only daughter. This thought fuelled more of my anger.

"What happened? Where's Amity?" Lucy used Addy's nickname. Just her name said out loud made many heads drop.

"Ask him." I spat, referring to Caspian; the man who has single handedly destroyed my reason for existing.

"Peter, it wasn't his fault." Susan warned. I chose to ignore her. If she thought Addy's death had nothing to do with Caspian, then she could explain to Lucy how her friend died.

"Me? You could have called it off, there was still time." Caspian responded.

"There wasn't thanks to you. If you had kept to the plan, those soldiers would still be alive right now, and so would Addy." I spat back. My glare was deadly. I knew none of the Narnians had ever seen nor heard about me being this way. Well they hadn't seen me with Addy to know how much I was hurting.

"And if we had just stayed here like I suggested they defiantly would be!" Caspian snarled back at me. His tone reminded me of Miraz and the vicious was he had slaughtered my men, the evil way he had tortured Addy.

"You called us remember." I pointed out. He was the one to call us for help and now he wanted us on his side after my Addy was dead.

"My first mistake." Caspian replied.

"No, your first mistake was thinking you could lead these people, your second was getting the nicest queen in Narnia killed." I began walking away. Just the sight of him made me want to kill him. I tried to walk away, wanting to seem strong in front of my army.

"Hey! I am not the one who abandoned Narnia or let my wife stay in a battle field." Caspian crossed the line.

"You invaded Narnia," I said, pointing accusingly at him, "You have no more right to be here than Miraz does!" Caspian pushed past me, avoiding the truth.

"You, him, your father! Narnia's better off without the lot of you!" I screamed angrily at him. With that, he spun around and drew his sword. We both crossed blades, ready for battle.

"Stop it!" Cried Edmund. We both turned to face my brother. He got off the gryphon and carefully lowered a body to the floor. A body that was covered in blood caused Susan to step back, hand over her mouth, tears in her eyes.

"Lucy!" Edmund called. She rushed over, getting out the gift she received from Father Christmas. I was stood watching, confused as to whom that was. Narnians gathered around the body. Susan approached me, turning me around and guiding me inside. I stopped moving, her looking at me helplessly. I turned back, watching Lucy drop many drops onto the persons back in various places.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"Peter don't." Susan cried. The look in her eyes, said I shouldn't go over, that it would upset me. Realisation washed over me. Addy.

I ran over to her, kneeling at her face.

"Addy?" I whispered. Her face held pain, but no breath was being taken. I looked at her back to see Lucy dropping more liquid onto her back. The wound then closed, stopping the blood flow, revealing tiny remains of her wings. They had removed her wings. That was why she screamed so loudly. The thought made my own tears cloud my sight. Lucy sat back. All the Narnians gathered watching as her remaining wings disappeared and the open flesh knitted together. This action formed two red, angry lines to run down the place her wings once were. I turned her over and breathed a sigh of relief when her lungs inhaled precious oxygen. I put my forehead onto hers and let my tears fall onto her head.

"I though I'd lost you Addy." I whispered gently, brushing some of her hair behind her. I then picked her up and took her inside. She weighed nothing. She was ice cold.

I took her to my bed and placed her fragile body on the sheets. Susan, Ed and Lucy both entered. Caspian was at the door, looking worried. I shot a glare at him and then turned to face my wife.

"I'm sorry Caspian, just go. Pete will get over it soon and Addy will make him apologise." Susan explained. She would make me apologise. Caspian left and then Susan joined the rest of us who were gathered around her.

Lucy was sat on her right, holding her right hand in her smaller one. Edmund and Susan were stood at her feet, watching over her. I was sat on her left, my right arm around her head and my left clutching her hand. Her breathing had evened out and I could now see her in the fire lit room. She had a large scar on her face that I knew was there because of Miraz. Her stomach had a perfect line around it. The line matched the lines that littered her arms and legs. My once flawless angel was now a wounded soldier. I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, and then turned to my brother.

I thought about how he had found her. I knew that I had told him to fly from the castle immediately, but if he didn't disobey me, she would be dead. My mind tried to paint a picture of her, lying on the stone floor in a puddle of her own blood. Edmund had seen her, he had seen the severed wings; her dying body. I knew that she would haunt his nightmares that were already plagued by the white witch.

"Ed, I'd like to thank you." I said to him.

"You're thanking me for saving your wife and girlfriend or are you meaning the fact I disobeyed you entirely?" He replied. I chuckled and looked at him. I knew he understood what I was saying. My brother simply nodded.

Addy took in a large breath and sat up very quickly. Her breath began to get quicker and shorter. Her panicked eyes flicked around the room. She tore her hands out of Lucy's and mine.

"Addy, calm down. You're safe. It's us." I spoke in the softness that had always calmed her down. She turned her gaze to me and began crying.

"It hurts Pete." Those three words said more than any speech ever could. I, we, knew she meant both mentally and physically. None of us gathered around her had ever experienced the physical pain she went through. When we first discovered her iron weakness, we had replaced all the Narnian armour and weapons with silver. She still managed to fight the war. Now when I saw her, she was still fighting a battle, but she was losing the war with her own pain, her own mind. I kissed her lips.

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