Forgiven Father (16)

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We broke the tree line at Beruna, looking out along the river. Lucy stepped towards the bridge, standing on it and standing alone. The army froze, watching to see why the Telmarines had stopped. I flew up and saw her. Lucy smiled and drew her dagger. While the soldiers faced the Narnians in fright, for they had never seen such acts of magic, the men on horses watched Aslan walk up beside Lucy.

"Charge!" Shouted the general. The army broke into a run across the bridge while certain people swan across the river. Aslan let out an almighty roar, creating ripples in the water. This action caused them to freeze once more.

The river beneath them sank. The faces on the soldiers caused me to laugh as I hovered in the air, overlooking the scene. Screams erupted as they saw a wave of water come hurtling towards them. The water morphed into a man, who observed the running men. Telmarine men jumped into the water in an attempt to escape. The water God dove into the bridge, breaking it and throwing of the soldiers. The man ate Miraz's killer and dropped into the still river again. This meant a large spray of water was forced into the air, dampening my battle outfit as I landed.

Narnians easily crossed the river, watching over the Telmarines seeing that they discarded their weapons peacefully. I ran up and hugged Peter once him, his siblings and Caspian had crossed the river.

"You'll get soaked, Addy." Peter chuckled, still holding me tight in his arms.

"I do not care." I stated. I then wiped my thumb over his face where a small cut was, and watched as it slowly healed itself. Peter gasped, touching his face and seeing it gone.

"How did you know you could do that?" He gasped.

"I have been waiting to do that for a while. My mother had the gift of healing; I was waiting to see if I would inherit it. My silver wings confirmed I had." I smiled. He kissed my lips before pulling me towards Aslan.

In the great kings presence, we all bowed. Peter knelt, hands holding his sword in the ground, Susan simply knelt, Edmund knelt with his sword behind his back, Caspian knelt like the true King he was with an arm resting on his knee, I curtseyed, spreading my wings behind the Pevensies.

"Rise Kings and Queens or Narnia." Aslan purred. All of us stood fully. Except Caspian stayed on the floor.

"All of you." Aslan indicated to Caspian. He looked up in surprise and worry.

"I do not think I am ready." He stated. His self-doubt reminded me so much of another King. Peter said almost the exact same thing. The pair were more alike than they saw possible. They were both strong leaders, striving to protect both Narnian and their friends; they both had great skills with a sword and could make an army follow them.

"It's for that very reason, I know you are." Aslan nodded. Caspian stood, standing beside us as a King of Narnia.

Then we heard the sound of Narnian flute being played. I looked to see the mice carrying Reepicheap on a bed. Lucy and I gasped, kneeling beside him. Lucy poured a drop of cordial in his mouth and watched him stand, thanking Lucy gratefully. When he spotted Aslan his expression brightened.

"Hail, Aslan, it is a great honour to be..." He fell as he attempted to bow. Then I noticed his lack of a tail.

"I am terribly sorry. I must crave you indulgences for appearing in this unseemly fashion." He apologised. I smiled at him. Mice always made me smile.

"Maybe a drop more?" He asked Lucy. After denying giving him more, he looked at a chuckling Aslan.

"It becomes you well, little one." Aslan smiled.

"All the same, Great King, I regret that I must withdraw, for a tail is the honour and glory of a mouse." Reepicheap held his sword up to Aslan.

"Perhaps you think too much of your honour?" Aslan stated. It was true. I never could convince Ayotus to call me Adelaide instead of your highness. Mice are more honourable than most knights could ever hope to be.

"It's not just honour, its also great for balance, and climbing, and holding thing." Reap persuaded. Then a mouse that helped carry Reap, held his tail and his sword to it.

"May it please your high majesty, we will not bear the shame of an honour denied to our chief." He said, the rest of the mice holding their swords to their tails. I looked to my father and gave him my sad puppy dog face, indicating I wanted to return his tail. The face always worked with Peter and my father.

"Not for the sake of your dignity, but for the love of your people." He then nodded at me and I leant from my knelt position to Reap, drawing his tail in like I was holding a pen. The Pevensies and Caspian gasped. Reepicheap began to thank my father and myself saying how he would always treasure it.

We all giggled at the mouse that kept talking.

"Now, where is this dear little friend you keep talking about?" He asked Lucy. We all faced Trumpkin who was collecting swords off of Telmarines. He went red when he saw we were looking at him. Nervous and embarrassed, my former cellmate walked forward. He bowed to Aslan who stood. My father roared, Trumpkin tried to contain his fear.

"Do you see him now?" Lucy asked, tone full of life and laughter. Trumpkin sighed in relief.

"Now we must move to the village for we have a coronation to celebrate. Addy I wish to speak with you." I stepped towards my father, leaving the others behind to mount a horse and leave.

"I heard what you went through. I wanted to say that I had no idea you were there. Both you and your mother have one thing in common, I can't trace you anywhere." Aslan explained. It made sense. That was why he did not rescue me. That was why re granted me wings once more, to make up for my pain.

"It is fine father, I am just glad you are back." I hugged him. I knew that the time was coming for me to make my decision. I had to choose between returning to England with my soul mate or living in the world I was born into and rule beside Caspian.

"You know you will have to decide where you want to live." Aslan said, as if reading my mind.

"What should I do father. I want to be with Peter, but I also wish to stay with you." I begged Aslan to decide.

"I can't make your mind up for you. I will always be with you in your heart Addy. You need to decide who you can't go without seeing." Aslan said, then walked away.

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