Human with Bloody Wings (6)

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Peter POV (Meanwhile)

We were lead to Aslans How, where we made our usual royal entrance. We were now gathered around the stone table, discussing what actions were to be taken. I remember Caspian showing us drawing on the walls. They depicted our journey to the thrown. They showed Mr Tumnus, the beaver, the witch. I remember the way they had drawn Adelaide's wedding dress and my suit as we stood at the alter. The way they drew it fitting her perfect body, her wing tucked behind her, Nala purring at her feet. That day, unlike most memories of Narnia that were faded slightly, was still fresh in my mind. The rest of the Narnian memories weren't as clear. It was like looking at them through a window that was dirty, or looking at a city during the fog. You can still pick out the main components but not the fine details. Holding onto those memories was like holding onto a dream you had just woke from. The more you try to remember the events, the faster it slips away.

As we spoke, the picture of Aslan looked over us as a reminder to think, a reminder of what everything he had taught us. We called this meeting after being spotted by a Telmarine scout.

"It's only a matter of time, Miraz's men and war machines are on their way. That means those same men, aren't protecting his castle." I said.

"What do you suggest we do your majesty?" Reepicheap asked me.

"We need to..."

"We should..." Both Caspian and I began. I noticed every Narnian in the room tensed at the situation. Caspian nodded at me to continue.

"Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us." I explained. Of course that meant getting Adelaide back, that's why I suggested it.

"No one has ever taken their castle." Caspian replied. Caspian had little faith in the Narnians. People thought the Battle at Beruna was a hopeless case, but we won that battle.

"There's always a first time." I pointed out.

"We would have the element of surprise." Trumpkin added. I knew that Trumpkin wanted to rescue Adelaide after seeing what they were doing to her.

"But we have the advantage here." Caspian countered.

"If we dig in, we could probably hold them off indefinitely." Susan was now siding with Caspian. I knew she could see the desperation in my eyes. If we didn't rescue Addy as a family, then I would rescue her alone.

"I for one, feel safer underground." Truffle hunter interjected.

"Look, I appreciate what you have done here. But this isn't a fortress as Cair Paravel was. It's a tomb." I told him. If only Cair Paravel still stood. The palace was the most defendable place in Narnia, but because of the careless Temarines, Adelaide's home no longer stood as a majestic palace, but as forgotten ruins.

"Yes and if they are smart, the Telmarines would just wait and starve us out." I smiled slightly at my brother for his backup. At least one part of my family was on my side.

"We could collect nuts." A squirrel suggested. I knew that the suggestion would have made Adelaide giggle had she been here.

"Yes! And throw them at the Telmarines... Shut up," said Reepicheap, "I think you know where I stand sire."

I turned to the centaur general. Just the sight of him made me remember Oreius, head of the army, and my Royal Adviser.

"If I can get your troops in, can you handle the guards?" I asked.

"Or die trying, your majesty." I nodded my head at him. I knew I could count on the centaurs help after Oreius.

"That's what I'm worried about." Lucy interrupted. All eyes turned to her. She may be a Queen but that was the only reason she was in here. She was too young, too immature to understand this.

"Sorry?" I asked, confused as to her interruption.

"You're all acting like there is only two options, dying here, or dying there." She said. I was quick to dismiss this, but a part of me knew that Adelaide would be backing up Lucy at this point. That Adelaide would demand I listen to her. Despite the nagging feeling I chose to dismiss her.

"I'm not sure you have really been listening Lu."

"No, you're not listening Peter. You're blinded by the fact Telmarines have Addy. We all want her back Pete. Or have you forgotten who really defeated the white witch?" Lucy said back. I was furious. How dare she try to say she felt anywhere near what I was feeling? She had no idea. No one had any idea. I held back the outburst and replied simply.

"I think we've waited for Aslan long enough." With that said, I left.

Gryphons carried us all into the castle. My siblings (not Lucy), Caspian and dwarf/ mice had been lifted into the castle. The mice had taken down any patrolling guards. Edmund had helped show us where guards were posted and now we were successfully inside the castle. Everything was going as planned. The mice were working on lowering the drawbridge, while we went to try and rescue Caspian's professor and see if he knew where Addy was. I had her knives around my waist so she had a weapon when we got there.

We checked his room but he wasn't there. What was there was many Narnian artefacts like one of Susan's arrows, drawings of us all. But the thing that stood out most was the blades that were put onto Adelaide's wings during battle, so she could cut people with her wings not just her knives.

"We have to find him." Caspian said.

"We don't have time! We have to get the gate up!" I reminded him. He was going to blow the whole mission. We had to get Addy, but I was putting that on hold until we had the troops inside the castle.

"You wouldn't be here without him, and neither would I." Caspian exclaimed. I looked at Susan who nodded.

"You and I can deal with Miraz." She said. I knew she was right.

"I will still get to the gate in time." Caspian promised. I saw the same look in my eyes when I wanted to get Addy. We were so similar, but I refused to accept that he was anything more than an acquaintance to me.

"If you see Addy, bring her too me." I requested.

"What will she look like?" He asked.

"The only human looking person in this castle with bloody wings." I said as if it were obvious. He nodded and ran out the room.

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