Good Morning

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Larry: "Achoo! Achoo"!

Laurent: "Bless you".

Larry: *sniff* "Thank you".

Laurent reaches into his bag to pull out a few tissues and hands them to Larry...his eyes full of concern as he watches the fragile state Larry is in...

Laurent: "Bebe you haven't felt good all day. I knew we should have canceled the workshop".

Larry: "No it's oki Laurent. The workshop was good".

Laurent: "I know you love us fans my love and I do too but I don't like to see my bebe sick like this. You need rest".

Larry: "Thank you baby but...achoo"! *sniff* "It's over now. We can go home".

Laurent: "Yeah the car is outside. Let's get you home bebe".

With the venue now empty after another amazing workshop with a full turnout of amazing fans, they gather their things and make their way out the door. Since this was a local workshop it will only take a matter of minutes to get home. Not wanting Larry to lift a finger Laurent graciously takes Larry's bag from his hand and once at the car Laurent opens the door for him then tosses their bags in the trunk. Once in the car he buckles his seat belt then addresses the driver... 

Laurent: "Oki. You can drive now".

Driver: *nods* "Yes sir".

Laurent smiles then looks over at Larry who's looking out of his window...sniffing on occasion. Laurent knows just the thing to bring him comfort. He lightly touches Larry's shoulder and when Larry looks at him Laurent gives him a small yet sweet smile then nods his head. Larry knows exactly what that means so he smiles softly then leans over and rests his head on Laurent's lap. Laurent begins to stroke Larry's hair as he speaks warmly to him... 

Laurent: "We'll be home soon bebe and don't worry, I will take good care of you". 

Larry: "Oki baby. Thank you".

Laurent: *smile* "You don't need to thank me my love. Your love is all I need and I will always take care of you".

Larry's lips forms into the sweetest smile and of course Laurent feels it against his thighs...but he also feels it in his heart. The entire car ride home consists of a beautiful silence as Laurent continues to caress Larry's hair and as the car glides smoothly across the gravel beneath them until they're home...


Laurent: "I'll get the bags bebe. You go inside".

Larry: "Oki baby. I'm going to take a shower".

Laurent: "Good. It will help you feel better and relax you too".

Larry nods then heads inside while Laurent thanks the driver and gathers their bags to go inside as well. After placing the bags on the floor and locking the door Laurent kicks his shoes off then goes straight to the kitchen and washes his hands to prepare something for Larry. He takes out the onions and carrots from the fridge as well as some leftover chicken and got to work. Now at the counter to slice the vegetables he reflects on the day. He knew Larry wasn't feeling like himself when they woke up that morning and he tried his best to convince Larry to sit this one out...but Larry's love for his career and most importantly his love for the fans just wouldn't let him. Laurent eventually gave up the fight but he made a declaration to himself that he would keep a good eye on him the entire time. As he stands there slicing away his mind goes back to how Larry put everything he had into teaching which of course makes him proud. The fans didn't even know he was feeling under the weather because that's just how much of a trooper he was and Laurent's heart can't help but flutter at how magnificently strong the love of his life is. Some fans even caught sight of how Laurent looked lovingly at Larry several times and commented things to each other as they smiled as well. At one point Laurent overheard one of them saying, "look at how Laurent is looking at Larry. He loves him so much". Of course that's an understatement because Larry is undoubtedly the only person who has ever been able to make his heart skip a beat and whether they're at a workshop or in the studio his attention is on Larry every time he has the opportunity for his eyes always crave the sight of him...his lips always want to be connected to his...his body always desires to be close to his and it doesn't have to be in a sexual way...just simply being next to him will suffice. Feeling his warmth, his softness, inhaling his scent. Larry is truly the light of his life...his happy place. With a soft smile still on his face Laurent continues to prepare Larry's meal because he's sure Larry will be out of the shower and hitting the bed soon...

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