Chapter II: Sarah

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Dawn was breaking and the cold wind brushed against Gale's cheeks waking him up from his slumber. He stretched his arms and legs before standing up.

"Good morning!" he smiled. His blood was surging for the chaos and mishaps he is so eager to create. He did a few more stretches before flying off. On his way he made sure that ever relationship he passed by would be ruined. He was so happy with all his doings and was very satisfied seeing the unhappy and miserable faces of the people whose day he wrecked. A couple of hours passed since the time he took flight and his wings started to weaken, he was beginning to get exhausted.

"I think I owe myself a well-deserved rest." He smiled. He scouted for the most relaxing place he could find and laid his eyes on a nearby park. He descended his flight and landed under the biggest tree that shaded almost half of the area where it stood.

"Feels like a good spot to take a nap." He stretched his arms, retracted his wings, sat down and rested his back on the huge tree trunk. He took a deep breath and gave a satisfied sigh. He watched the people in the park come and go for a while before he lay down on the cool freshly cut grass of the park.

"This is the life!" he exclaimed, stretched his arms and placed it at the back of his to serve as a pillow. He closed his eyes and was entering slumber when he heard giggles coming from behind him. He opened one eye and saw a girl peeking behind the huge flora that shaded him. She started to tiptoe towards him and picked something up from his side. She, of course did not see him lying there for cupids, like angels are spiritual beings. He got up and followed her running figure with his gaze.

"Why was she tiptoeing? By any chance did she see me?" he paused and pushed the thought aside. "Nah! That is way too impossible unless she has a third-eye or so the people call it."

Another giggle caught his attention and he started to feel rage. Not only did the human disturb his well-deserved rest but she seemed too happy for his comfort. He stood up and walked towards where the girl headed.

"A puppy?" he raised an eyebrow. "Who would want to have such clingy, weak, and foul creature?" he asked himself disgusted at the sight of the girl playing with the puppy who clearly have just had his bath. "No worries, just a bit of spicy in your lives and all will be well for me." He took out his bow and arrow and shot the dog. He grinned as the eyes of the lovely pup clouded with hatred and started to growl at his surprised owner.

"What's wrong boy?" she asked while taking a step towards him. He did not show any signs of recognition and started to bark at her. "Calm down. What's wrong?" she asked and crouched in front of him to lower herself nearly to his level. "It's okay." She comforted him while he continued with his obscurity. "It's okay..." she once again comforted and lent out a hand to touch him.

"This'll be good." Gale smirked as he observed the events transpiring before him. "3...2.." he started a countdown.

"Ouch!" The girl shouted and quickly pulled her injured hand back and coped it with her other hand for comfort. She bit her lower lip to stop the tears that were forming in her eyes from dropping.

"Aw! She's gonna cry..." Gale mocked and started to laugh. He was having the time of his life when she suddenly spoke taking him aback.

"Are you hungry? I'm so sorry I should've brought some sandwiches with us."

He straightened up and looked at the girl who was gently stroking the pup's fur. "We'd better go home for now. I think pappie made some delicious meal for us." She smiled and lifted the animal off the ground.

Gale watched while she walked away with cradling the puppy. "What's wrong with her?" he asked himself with one eyebrow up. "Isn't she supposed to throw that filthy creature away after it bit her?" he shook his head. "Humans sure are weird. They kill their own but are gentle and kind to petty creatures."

A Cupid's LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora