Chapter V: An explainable turn of events

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"Please come in." Sarah invited the disguised cupid into her small home. It was a bungalow with large windows at each side of the door. Once you entered the house you will immediately see the living room with a small concave television, a sofa and a wooden table in between them. The kitchen is situated just a few steps from the living room; where a small round table and two seats were situated. Beside it, also serving as one of the walls of the living room is the master's bedroom and beside it was Sarah's room. They were both divided by a thin plywood.

"Are you sure? You are inviting a stranger into your home. I could kill you or do you wrong anytime." Gale started feeling stupid of what she want him to do.

She smiled on his apprehension. "I know that you are a good guy. I could feel it and..." her smile did not fade but just got bitter. "I don't want to be alone... even just for tonight."

Silence engulfed them both for a few seconds before Paradise disturbed it with joyful and excited barks. Sarah smiled and opened the lights. "I think he is very pleased to have finally arrived home." she went inside and left the door open for Gale. He stood there for more than a minute unsure of his intentions and decision. He observed his companion while she started to rummage the cupboard for some bread and a few eggs.

"Would you like to have it boiled or fried?" she asked without directing it to anybody in particular. Paradise barked his answer and she smiled at him before turning to face Gale. "I am sorry for dragging you here. If you are not comfortable in staying here for tonight then the least I can offer you before you go, is dinner. It's just to make up for my pitiful act of bringing you here." She smiled at him.

Gale's feet began to move and soon enough he entered the house. "You are of no bother, please stop saying that, its irritating." He said angrily.

Sarah giggled. "Okay..."

"What's so funny?" he asked in an angrier tone.

"Nothing. Thank you." She smiled and turned to her pitiful ingredients for dinner. "Fried or boiled?" she asked while raising both eggs.

"Whatever." He replied and rested his chin on his hand.

"Boiled it is!" she said happily.

He watched her while she took some water from a jar near the sink and then she started to burn the wood situated in the clay stove.

"Tsk! Even if I said fried, she won't have the means to do so. I am pretty sure she does not have oil and salt in this shack!" he told himself angrily.

"Here is your share. Thank you..."

"Will you shut up?! You keep on pretending that you are okay, keep on saying 'thank you', keep on smiling! What is your problem exactly?" he angrily asked. He is not so sure now if his coming over to the said place is a good idea.

Sarah's smile faded and she dropped her head. "True. I am pretending and I hate trying to be optimistic all of the time but... what can I do if not for this?" she asked facing him with glistening tears in her eyes. "I am but fourteen and am now an orphan in this striving world. How do you expect me to live and keep an open-mind if I hold on grudges and hate?!" it was the first time that Gale really felt what she was feeling, her anger, her fear, her doubts, worries and cares. In a sense he wanted it to be this way but on another sense it was making him feel uncomfortable. He did not say a word. He stood up and walked away from the table where Sarah and Paradise were.

"If you want to rest you can take the first room. I am sorry for making you feel uncomfortable with all this talk." Those were the last words she said before she retired to her quarters.

"This is not right." Gale told himself after a while of silence since Sarah left for rest. "I should not be feeling any guilt towards any of this. Anything and everything that has happened is well deserved." He raised his head and looked at the night's sky. He took and deep breath and held it in while closing his eyes. "Will it be better if Wind returned and I to my eternal slumber and darkness?" he opened his eyes and punched the nearest wall to release his anger, then his breath. "I will not allow myself to succumb into despair because of these filthy humans!" he resolved and left the house.

The sun's rays were peeking from the windows by the time Sarah woke up. She stretched her arms and rolled to her side. "Paradise..." she called for her pup while eyes were still closed. "Are you awake boy?" she asked again but gaining no answer made her a bit worried and so she opened her eyes and quickly got up and sat on her bed. "Paradise?" she called again feeling more worried. She jumped out of her bed and ran out of her room.

"You're awake? Good."

She looked at the guy who was cooking at her kitchen. The room was filled with a delicious smell that made her mouth water and her stomach grumble. She stood there for a while watching her visitor cook and prepare for breakfast. A bark brought her back to her senses.

"Paradise!" she exclaimed happily and called for her pup to approach.

"Fix yourself up. Breakfast is ready."

She dropped her head. She does not know how to react to the person in front of her after showing a lot of emotions and disgust towards him the night before. Gale pulled the chair facing Sarah and sat down. He looked at her. "If you are not going to eat then I'll just help myself. Paradise, come."

The pup obediently came to his side and raised its head waiting for him to give it a treat. Sarah followed her pet with her eyes. She was a bit surprised that her visitor was able to make him follow his order given that they've only known each other for a couple of hours. Gale sliced a piece of his homemade pancake and half of his fried egg. He then made a sandwich out of it and gave it to Paradise. He then started on his meal. Sarah swallowed her forming saliva. It has been a couple of days since she got to have a decent meal. After a few more seconds of restraining herself from indulging on the meal set before her, she took her seat and started to eat. Gale was no longer sure of what he really wanted in life. It seemed like he was starting to get fond of the duo he is currently with. The sight of Sarah eating her heart out and the satisfied grin on Paradise's lips were making him somewhat... happy.

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