Chapter VII: For what it's worth

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It was a dark place with the scent of rust and molds. The sound of loose dripping waters and squeaking of rats echoed in the closed corners of abandoned warehouse where four men entered.

"You be a good girl and wait for a bit." One of them said while gently lowering down the shivering Sarah. She was currently tied up and gagged to avoid her from making a ruckus.

"So where will we sell her?" another asked while taking off his wool bonnet.

"I think the master of the villa is willing to pay a good price for the likes of her." Another answered while heading to a rusty fridge. He opened it, took a bottle of beer and popped its cap on the fridge's side.

"That's a good idea." The one who lowered her down said while examining her face. Sarah on the other hand tried to evade his gaze. Her face was filled with tears and sweat but she is not able to wipe any of them off.

A big metal door stood in the way between Gale and his targets. He has been flying around the area for a while not being able to exactly pin-point where Sarah's aura is being emitted as it was very faint. It was only for a while when he finally got a good grasp of it.

"Gale!" he turned his head to face whoever was calling him.

"Did I not tell you to give me until sunset to return your precious Wind? And just so you know it was not me who voluntarily came out. Hurtful it may seem for my pride and ego but it was he who summoned me out."

Sky who was standing behind him was not able to retaliate what he said but Ocean did, "liar! You always have been and always will be."

Gale shrugged. "I do not really care what you think but as of now I need to get a person back." He pushed the heavy metal door with one hand and entered into the darkness.

"Uh... did I get the events here clearly and correctly?" Ocean asked a bit confused. "Did he just show a hint of emotion and attachment to whoever is inside?"

"I do not exactly know yet. This is the first time I've seen an alter ego over my years of existence and I am not really the correct person to ask about it. I do not really know what's going on but I think he is saying the truth. I will stand on my decision..."

"And that is?"

"To give him the time has asked for." This was the last statement of Sky before he flew off to the skies.

"Yeah... what?! Are you crazy?" Ocean shouted and went after his superior.

The place was dark but Gale was able to see through it clearly even in his human form. He returned to his disguise not wanting to add more scare to Sarah from what she already experienced. He did not have to tip-toe on his tracks nor hide. He was an extraterrestrial being after all and human does not really scare him. As he went deeper and deeper into the warehouse Sarah's aura became stronger and stronger making it easier for him to track her. He took a couple more steps before he arrived in a somewhat deserted place. Unlike the track he had to pursue earlier this place does not have the rusty metal containers and is quite lighted. He searched the area but nobody was there except for the exhausted girl tied to one of the large metal bars at the side. He quickly ran to her aid.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he removed the gag off her mouth.

"Gale?" her tears fell in relief seeing her friend. "I cannot believe that you found me... wait! They're all here." She started to panic.

"Who is?"

"Us." The reply did not come from Sarah rather from behind him. "Be a good lad and step away from our catch."

"Please do as they say. They have guns and could kill you." Sarah said in a broken voice.

Gale did not heed any of them and proceeded to untie the rope that was restraining their captive. "I think you've hurt your wrist from this ropes." He said and tried to take her but was stopped when he heard a gun cracked.

"Don't act so cool lad. We hate it when people think they can outsmart us."

Gale stood up and faced them. Sarah grabbed a hold of the hem of his shirt with her shivering hands. "Please don't make them angry." She pleaded.

"You and me both," Gale started.

"Who do you think you are?" the guy standing in front of the other three, who had their guns cracked and ready to fire as well, asked.

Gale smirked. "I am the bringer of chaos and mishaps." He started and stepped forward. "I am war." He continued as he continued to approach them. "I am the one who gave you insects a chance to live your criminal lives."

"Stop!" the guy from behind shouted while his hands began to shiver.

Gale did not heed his plea and just continued to approach them. The shivering guy cave in and pulled his trigger shooting Sarah on the chest.

"No!" Gale shouted in despair as he bent down to heal her. His eyes clouded with tears while he dug his fingers into the bullet hole to get rid of the metal.

"Idiot!" their leader shouted and slapped him.

Ebony wings emerged from Gale's back as he sealed off her wound. "I hate humans." He started in a whisper.

"Wha...what the..." the four men started to scurry.

He stood up still with his back turned towards them. "...but among all human I hate those who pretend to be strong but are actually weak." He turned to face them.

"Damn you!" the shivering man who shot Sarah just a while ago shouted and pulled his trigger the second time around and shot Gale on his heart. He looked at the bullet hole on his chest and returned his gaze on the four men who were caught aback with the turn of events and does not know what to do. Gale smirked and his eyes turned blood-red.

"You shot a demon you idiot!" one of them shouted and they started to run.

"I..." the other started but did not finish when his tears got the better of him.

"Filthy creatures," Gale made a swift motion of his hand creating a gust of wind that swiped the men off the ground and knock them on the hard, rusty, metal containers at the sides; their screams were prominent in the silence. A loud thud shut them all up and their bodies fell on the ground one by one. Gale turned to look at Sarah who was still lying lifelessly on the ground. He bent down and felt her pulse. It was stable. He smiled at her and placed his right hand over her wound.

"I am sorry." He whispered while ridding her face of stray hairs.

"Gale!" he turned to whoever arrived in the scene.

"Wow! Good timing!" he laughed. "Is it sunset already?" he asked sarcastically.

"What did you do?!" Ocean roared.

Gale just smirked and did not answer. He returned his gaze at Sarah who was able to open her eyes barely. She was too weak. He smiled at her for the last time before standing up. He raise both of his arms upwards with the palm of him hand facing the heavens.

"Stop!" Sky and Ocean shouted almost at the same time and ran to Sarah's aid. Their efforts were in vain when Gale brought his hands down on her chest with full force. The impact crated a strong gust of wind that exploded on her body and ran towards the corners of the enclosed area they were in. Once the last of the gust disappeared Gale fell to the ground.

"What happened?" Ocean asked unsure while he lowered his arm that was shielding his eyes a couple of moments ago to avoid dusts entering them when the gust of wind exploded.

"I am not sure." Sky answered while equally lowering his arm.


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