Chapter III: Sky's Decision

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Back at the heavens, the news of Wind turning into a dark cupid has caused everybody to panic. Sky had to be the bigger man in the picture and stood up as the leader and calmed everybody down.

"St. Valentine is too busy to attend to this matter. We have to take this into our own hands. I, as the eldest, will take full responsibility to whatever punishment that is to be given. I've already sent Air and Fire to search for Wind earlier today thus they returned with unfavorable news. Aside from them not being able to bring him back; we now all know that he has awakened his dark side and is roaming around the Earth spreading chaos. We must dispatch immediately to stop furthering his reign and restore what has been destroyed. I and Ocean will be the lead in finding our culprit. All else will focus on the restoration. We only have a few days left before Valentines and we would not want anything that will ruin our special day." Sky instructed to each and every member of his team. "I will not allow it to be ruined by the likes of you." He said under his breath.

"What's your plan? We don't have enough time and I do not think we can easily spot Wind in this vast area. He could be anywhere." Ocean, the second eldest asked.

"I am well aware of that and to tell you frankly I too do not know how we will manage." Sky told his brother without looking at him.

"What?!" Ocean stopped his flight. "Are you serious?!"

"Shut up! I need to act confident and all or else the others would go into a panic frenzy. We cannot allow that to happen, especially not in this time of the year. Knowing that Wind was not able to control his dark side we might have the same situation with the others if we are not careful." Sky answered while stopping his flight also but still not looking at Ocean. "Will you just shut up and resume this search!" he scolded feeling a bit irritated on the facts and events that are currently piling up under his command."

Ocean followed his suggestion and flew next time him to resume the search. "I don't know how bad things are with Wind, I just hope that he did not change his form into a human just to lose Air and Fire earlier." He whispered while Sky just silently listened.

"If he did then it'll be impossible for us to seek him underneath our flight with all the people around... and I hope he is aware that he could lose his immortality if he stays in that form for more than twenty-four hours." It was Sky's turn to say something and Ocean did not react but just listened. "We need to hurry." He continued and hastened his pace going North, Ocean followed.

The soft breeze ran over the neatly trimmed grass of the park bending every blade on its way. The place was full of lively people who chatted and played with each other. Under the same huge flora where he rested a while ago; Gale sat under its shade while watching Sarah and Paradise play with each other.

"This is stupid." He told himself. "Why would anybody want to waste their time on this kind of things?" he asked while not taking his eyes off of the two who were having much fun. "I could easily throw another arrow at that furry creature and it will not recognize her again..." he stared angrily at Sarah. "Stupid girl!" he murmured to himself. He closed his eyes. "Am I felling envious of that furry creature?" he paused and opened his eyes just in time for a bright, circular saucer to hit him on his face.

"Waaah!!! Paradise! What did you do?" Sarah panicked and ran to where he sat, Paradise followed suit. "I am so sorry." She started to apologize while sitting beside their victim. Gale was speechless and could not gather the words to reply. He was so angry that he can literally unleash hell for her at the moment.

"I'm so sorry." She tried again and tried to touch the sore part of his face.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!" he shouted and stood up. "STUPID! STUPID GIRL!"

Sarah dropped her head almost in tears. "It was not intentional." She started.

"SHUT UP! LEAVE!" he ordered.

She raised her head and looked at him with tear stained eyes.

"Tsk!" he avoided her gaze as it somewhat pierced through his heart. "Stupid!" that was the only thing he was able to make up before leaving her there depressed while Paradise comforted her.

"How can people be this stupid?!" Gale continued with his tantrums while walking around the park. Angrier than ever, he spread out his wings and took on his cupid form once more. He flew up and started to spread chaos; using it as an outlet to get rid of the irritation and hate that was currently burning his soul. His effort was not put to vain as the hatred and misunderstanding of people heightened and war broke faster than a wild forest fire on a hot summer's day.

The cupids who were dispatched tried their best to catch-up with the uprisings and mend relationships back.

"This is crazy!" Ocean started while he and Sky tried with their best to mend the relationships that they've passed by. "How much damage can one dark cupid cause? Why is it that we are not able to suppress all of these even with our number?"

"People by nature have their dark sides. This has always been stronger that all it takes is a little push to put the world into discord." Sky answered.

"Damn!" Ocean roared. "We need to find this... this imbecile before things fall out of control!"

They hurried their flight once more trailing the path that Gale has wielded for them. The first stop was Russia. Water and Light were already there doing their best to stop the war and killings. Sky and Ocean helped them out a bit just to ensure that things don't go overboard. Once they are sure that the younger cupid will be able to handle the situation they set off to check the area for the dark cupid but he was nowhere at sight. They left the place and headed to the next spot where war broke, Iraq. Cloud and Rain were the ones stationed there.

"We don't think we can handle this by ourselves." Cloud started upon seeing Sky.

"We'll help out for now but you need to asked for additional hands to help control this." He told the wary cupid.

"Rain already left and did so." He assured.

"That's good." Sky said while he hastened his work in bringing peace back to the land.

"This is really killing me!" Ocean once again roared. "Why is it that people give in easily for this kind of doings?"

"Just shut up and help out with the restoration." Sky scolded which he obediently followed. "Tsk! We really need to find where Gale is." He whispered to himself trying his best not to let Ocean hear to avoid more whining.

"Stupid creatures! All you can do is hope and pray! You never have the guts to stand up on your own!" Gale shouted while he kept on bombarding every place he passed by with discord. He was not yet totally calm from the earlier incident that he worked tirelessly day and night to make sure everybody around the globe gets a glimpse of his power. 

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