Chapter IV: Bitter Reality

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Gale breathed a sigh of relief. He has been spreading war and chaos for the past week without rest and it is only of this time that he was able to calm his raging emotions. After a few deep breaths he decided to retrace his steps to see how his little tantrum came about. He smiled in satisfaction seeing all the damage that he has done through his tireless work within the week.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" he smirked as he reached the now deserted and abandoned park where he used to loiter and rest. He decided to see how much damage he's done to the said place where all his hatred peaked and so descended his flight. He observed the silent ruins; the park that was once full of life is now a sad and silent wreck. "Good. Good." He praised his masterpiece while he continued to roam around. He was so satisfied with what he was seeing that he wasn't able to retain himself and started to laugh out loud. "Gosh. I cannot be more proud of myself. Good work!" he continued to compliment his gestures but despite it all it seems like there is a lingering thought inside his subconscious that he cannot quite bring to mind. "Maybe I am just too overwhelmed with everything that is happening." He comforted himself and continued to walk around.

An hour has passed since he landed in the ruins of the once lively and happy place. Seeing that he does not need to linger there any longer he took flight. Only a few meters from the park was the raging city where everyone was after every other person's neck. Curious, he flew down to see the action first hand. The scene placed a smile on his face: poor people lying on the streets, some begging while others are holding on to their last breaths. Crimes are being pulled almost on every street: people are killing each other, stealing the possessions of others, and corpses are scattered almost everywhere in the vicinity.

"Oh Gale, what word could describe you if not for brilliant?" he asked himself giggling. His smile became a grin as the assaults continue to happen right in front of him while he treaded the streets of the city. His grin never left his lips until a certain sight caught his vision.

"Tsk! What's her problem?" he asked himself but then approached the familiar figure of the girl he came to know a couple of days back. She was currently sitting in front of a tombstone in the city's cemetery. He slowly retracted his wings as he neared her and soon took his human form. Paradise, who was clasped in Sarah's arms started to bark at his presence. She turned to see who her puppy was acknowledging and upon seeing him, she quickly turned her head to avoid his gaze, wiped the tears off of her cheeks and took a deep breath to calm herself down.

"Uhm... hi... sorry... it's been a while..." he voice broken as she tried with all her best to create a sentence from all the jumbled words inside her head. Gale did not answer rather just stood by her side. She dropped her head on the ground and her tears once again started to swell up in her eyes. She bit her lower lip to avoid them from dropping but they insisted and fell on the ground.

"You know..." she started with an even broken voice. "He... he was the only one I've got..." she continued and tighten her hug on Paradise. "I... I really do not know what else I can do... I have nowhere to go..." she continued and started to sob.

Gale just stood there coldly and looked at the crying girl. He cannot quite explain but for some reason he does not seem to feel any hint of happiness from her misery. He, though does not feel any emotions other from anger and rage, actually feel a little sorry for the vulnerable girl sitting almost lifelessly on the ground. He diverted his sight towards the tombstone.

Name: Patrick Rod-Fallen

Birth Date: June 5, 1765

Death Date: December 7, 1850





He read the engraved words quietly. "This must be somebody she is connected to." He thought.

"He died last Friday..." Sarah started redirecting Gale's attention towards her. "He... he went out to buy me a present..." she forced a bitter smile and looked at him, "its birthday today..." her voice broke once more and tears fell from her eyes. "Sorry." She started and wiped off the running tears but they just kept on coming. There was a long pause with heavy breathing as she tried to control her emotions. It took her more than a minute or two to finally pull herself together. She once again dropped her sight leveling the tombstone. "A street fight occurred and he was caught in the middle..." she paused and tried to regain her composure but she was not able to continue as tears once again streamed down her face. Paradise was fast in coming to her aid and started to lick her cheek. She smiled at him bitterly and hugged him tighter.

"I'm sorry..." he uttered out unaware. At this moment he does not really know what was going on but his mind was completely blank and those were the only words that came about.

Sarah turned her head in disagreement. "It's not your fault... our world is not really the ideal world one would wish it to be." She took three more deep breaths and stood up. "My grandfather would always tell me that I should be strong. I should keep on living my no matter what challenges and trials may come my way." She turned and looked at the tombstone once more. "Do you know that he is not really my grandfather?" this time she was able to let out a genuine smile. "He took me in after finding me in a dump. My real parents must've thought that I am a burden and left me there or for whatever reason they have..."

"Why do you talk like that?!" Gale asked angrily. "I hate king people especially those who are weak! Are you not supposed to be angry at those bastards that threw you away?!" he was really irritated of her words.

She shook her head. "I know that I am weak and that I rely on people too much but if there is one thing that I've learned in this world: it is to love and never hate. People come and go and life is too short to linger in hatred. Whatever their reason is, I am in no position to judge or hate them. After all, it is because of them that I was able to meet a very kind-hearted man."

"That is stupid." He turned and was about to walk away when he felt a tug on his shirt.

"If... if you don't mind... and if you do not have a place to go for tonight..." she stopped her words.

"Tsk! Is she hitting on me?!" he asked himself feeling proud but his ego subsided when he felt her grip loosen.

"I am sorry. Please go on your way. I do apologize for the bother."

Unaware of the next scene; Gale grabbed her hand into his. He was surprised himself of the randomness that happened but still the same it was to his advantage as for some reason he is not yet ready to let her go.

"I will accompany you for tonight."

Sarah's face lit up. She flashed him a genuine smile and nodded. "Thank you. I really find it creepy that you were able to guess my thoughts but... thank you!"

"What the hell am I doing?!" Gale scolded himself. Though he does not really like what was happening he is somewhat at ease with the turn of events.


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