Chapter Ten

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How could I become so happy because of one person? Could I ever thank him enough? Yes we argue but we overcome it. It's been exactly 3 weeks since we made things "official". That day I agreed to stay loyal to Tae, and I want to keep that promise. At first I wasn't sure if I truely could, but now I'm sure I can. He's so gentle and kind with the biggest heart and funniest personality. He's all I could ever ask for.

Today I am supposed to meet up with him after my shift. He said he wanted to meet at the park down the road so I've been anticipating it all day. Although I don't know why he asked to meet, I can't wait to see his beautiful face.

Since I started my shift I have been glazing at the clock, hoping it would make the time fly by. I know I saw him at school, but I wanted to be with him without anyone watching our every move. Meaning the other boys.

Finally, my shift ended. To be honest, I asked my boss to let me out a few minutes earlier. Given the fact that I'm a good worker, she agreed with no questions asked. So now I'm on my marry way.

My pace progressively sped the closer I got.
At this time I could see the park from where I was at. The dimly lit street light gave shape to a silhouette. Not long after that, the once unknown figures identity was proven to be Taehyung. The way his face glisened like early morning dew as little droplets of sweat rolled down his face was truly the apitamy of art. His chest rose and fell fast, as if he had been out of breath. But even in his exhausted state his eyes met mine and he managed to send me one of his perfect rectangle smiles.

"Hello, beautiful." He called out to me from across the park. "I thought I was gonna be late. I'm glad I got here before you. It makes me look like a better boyfriend."

My cheeks instantly flushed a bright red when the word boyfriend left his lips. At this time I had walked all the way to him, only two feet separating us. "Your the best boyfriend whether or not your late." I say and slightly nudge him with my shoulder.

He laughs and grabs my hand in a fast motion, making me jump in surprise. He intertwines our fingers and begins walking away from the park, draging me along.

"Where are we going?" I ask, not really eager to know because as long as I was with him, I couldn't care less where we go.

"It's a surprise." He says with childish giggles shortly following.

As we continued walking I looked over to find his gaze straightened ahead of him, focused on his destination. In admiration I can't seem to take my eyes off of him, with a cheesy smile spread across my face. I can't believe I'm so happy. How does he make me so happy? His humor, his laugh. It makes my chest bubbly and my heart feel like it's floating in the air. I honestly could never find the right words to describe this feeling. They don't exist.

Lost in thought, I bump into a firm object, stepping back I apologize to taehyung for running into him. Ignoring my apology with the biggest rectangular smile, he states with the sweetest tone, "We're here!".

I look up to discover to most beautiful scenery I have ever witnessed. Cherry blossom petals fallen perfectly down a white crystal path. With the sunset in the background, the cherry blossoms look like pink and orange lights scattered across the crystal path which displays a shimmery water affect. Passed the path, I could see a lake that looked just like the crystal path with the way it shimmered. The beautiful scenery made me nearly melt at the sight.

"Is it pretty?" Taehyung say in the midst of my awe with a cheerful voice. He already knew I loved it. I had told him so many times about how I would love to go to a place like this with him. I told him how romantic it was in movies and how I wanted to see if it was really like that. Now I could finally spend such a beautiful moment with such a beautiful man.

Never Giving Up. {BTS Kim Taehyung}Where stories live. Discover now