Chapter Eleven

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I avert my eyes in total embarrassment. Where is his shirt?  "I'm so sorry. I didn't-..." I take a deep breath, my gaze fixed on the tile floor, "Hurry and come to the kitchen, dinner is being served." And just like that, I pull the door handle, attempting to close it, but Jimin pries it open.

"We need to talk." He bluntly stated, making me shiver in fear. I can't deal with this right now.

"We have nothing to talk about." A say in anger and annoyance at his persistence at getting me alone with him. I once again grab the door handle and attempt to close the door. But this time, I feel a tight grip pull on my wrist, yanking me back into the room.

"What are you doing?!-" I yell but shortly after feel a hand cover my mouth. My eye widens in utter shock. What the hell is he thinking?

"I said I needed to talk to you. If you don't wanna talk, then just listen." He says with a smirk spread across his lips. He knew what he was doing. He knew he was getting under my skin.

I nod in agreement, knowing it was the only way to stop him from covering my mouth.

He continued by slowly lifting his left hand from my mouth, while he used the right one to slam the door shut. "I want to apologize. For that day. I know you are aware of what I'm talking about." He says sarcastically and slides his hand down my waist, now resting on my hip. He then effortlessly yanks my body to his."We didn't get to finish." He pouted.

I knew that he was talking about the previous incident when Taehyung and he got in a fight. My skin began crawling, knowing he was making fun of Taehyung's reaction.

In surprise and attempt to balance myself, I place both hands on his chest.

"What are you doing?! Stop!" I scream at him pushing away. His hold was to tight and I couldn't get free.

"Nim-nim?" I hear a voice wondering down the hall. I knew it was Taehyung cause he's the only one that calls me that. Oh my god, he's gonna walk in!

I panic and begin attempting to push him away. But all attempts fail.

"C'mon, he makes it too easy." Jimin says, staring at the door with dark satisfaction in his eyes. My stomach dropped.

I could hear heavy steps getting closer. I try once more to free myself but Jimin pulls me in and slams his lips on mine. At this point, I couldn't move. I was too shocked.

His hands trailed up to my cheeks as he holds me in place and he deepens the kiss, and I just stood frozen. I was so angry, I hated that he could do this and not feel anything. How could he? Before I know it a tear escapes my eye trailing down my cheek. I hate him. After all he's done.

I could hear someone fiddling with the doorknob on the opposite side. We both knew who it was. Jimin wouldn't be kissing me if he didn't think Taehyung was gonna walk through the door. Before anyone could walk in Jimin let go of my face, letting his arms dangle. And just like that, I hear the door swing open and my heart drops.

In artificial shock, Jimin pushes away from the kiss, "Hyung! It's not what it looks like!"

Reality kicked me in the chest and I felt numb, I fall to my knees in totally regret. I should have stopped him. I should have snapped out it and pushed him off.

I couldn't help it, tears came rushing out. I tried to stop a cry from leaving my lips but as of everything else I couldn't stop it.

I could feel my chest cave in. I can't do anything. I look up and see Jimin staring at me with insincere confusion while I could see through his act.

"She kissed me. I'm so sorry hyung. I shouldn't have let it happen." He said in frantic gestures. He looked at me with disgust, but I could see the smirk behind his facade.

I turn to face Taehyung who is still standing motionless in the width of the doorframe. His eyes are a fiery red, fixed on Jimin. I could see the anger boiling inside of him.

I used all of my strength to push myself from the ground and on to my feet. I began walking towards Taehyung, planning to apologize and explain. But his eyes never left Jimin, and his expression never shifted.

In a burst of energy, Taehyung lashed out at Jimin, striking him with a solid push to the cheek. Jimin stumbled back gasping in surprise. "Hyung, what are you doing? She kissed me." Jimin stated with a hurt expression, his voice seemed lumpy and full of sorrow and my stomach turned at the disgust of his acting.

"I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED!" Taehyung got in Jimin's face, screaming in immense contentment."I KNOW THAT YOU KISSED HER! I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOUR DOING!"

Jimin finally snapped,"And what am I doing Taehyung? Please enlighten me!" Jimin now began getting in Taehyung's face.

"You're. Getting. Revenge." Taehyung bluntly spoke, emphasizing each word. "Ever since I dated Bo-Young you couldn't handle it, you hated me for it. You made up rumors and she broke up with me because of them. Every time I dated someone you had to break it up. I apologized for taking Bo-Young. You know I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Do I hyung? Do I really know? We were dating for five years! She loved me! Then you came along and ruined it all!" Jimin said then shoved Taehyung into the wall.

"No Jimin, your insane, a pathological liar. Get the story straight. You were verbally abusive! You body shamed her. YOU pushed her away! YOU made her leave you! I didn't. She broke up with you and I was the only one there for her. You can't tell me I was in the wrong cause of this, your no saint yourself. So if I so much as see you look at Min-Nam again, I will knock you cold." Taehyung was furious. In worry, I walk up to Taehyung but get yanked back by Jimin.

"Well guess what Hyung, she is mine now. You can try and take her like you took Bo-Young but I am fighting back this time." Jimin then drags me out of the room, running.

I began wincing in pain."STOP! YOUR HURTING ME! JIMIN, LET GO!"I tried to prie my wrist free but he was too strong. As we walked past the kitchen all the members seemed very worried and confused. I could hear a few getting up from the table and chasing us as well as Taehyung screaming down the hall, but before I knew it Jimin pushed me into a car and drove away.

"YOUR TAKING THIS TOO FAR, STOP THE CAR!" I scream at Jimin, shoving his shoulder. "PARK JIMIN, IM SERIOUS!"

"Hun, I can't do that. We can't have a girl like you roaming the streets at night, now can we?" He said then looked at me with a dark smirk, "I will rent a hotel room to sleep in tonight."

Just so no one is confused, in this book Jimin is younger than Taehyung. I did this for a reason. You'll learn later on.

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