Chapter 7

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Your POV

I walked to the heart and center of the forest, crying and whimpering. Looks like Shadow loves a psychotic fangirl. I knew he wouldn't love me back. I kept one crying, when I suddenly heard a voice saying, "Aww, it's such a shame to see one's heart break because of the one they love..." I didn't turn around. I didn't need to turn to know who's spiteful voice it was.

"Lacey..." I clenched my fists. I could feel her smirking, "In the flesh. Nice to know that you can identify my voice." I turned to her, growling a response, "Don't you have someone else to try and kill in dodgeball?" She snickered, "Very funny, (Y/N). Just came to see how you're doing with your broken heart."

I sighed heavily, "Really, Lacey, what do you have with me and my love life?" She shrugged, "Nothing... Just one thing..." her face shadowed as she said, "Stay. Away. From. Shadow." I suddenly lost it, "Seriously?! What is up with the fangirls?! I want nothing to do with him!"

Lacey laughed harshly, "Oh please! Don't lie. I know you're in love with him." I immediately blushed bright red. "Wh-What?" Dammit, she caught me. But how did she find out? "How do you know?" She rolled her eyes saying, "Come on! It's in the way you act around him, all shy and blushing." Is it really that obvious? She continued, "Anyway, since I can't stop you from taking him away from me—"

I rolled my eyes and muttered, "He was never yours—" "Whatever! The only option I have left... Is to get rid of you. As in kill you. " My eyes widened. "Kill me?!" She pulled out a gun, aimed at me and pulled the trigger. I swiftly leaned to the side and dodged the bullet, watching as it made a hole in a tree. I looked at her and said, "Missed." But she just smirked, "Oh that was just a warning shot. Next time..."

She aimed at me again, "It'll go right through..." I wasted no time to start running. She caused after, shooting while I dodged. I outran her, but I had nowhere to hide. So I did the first thing that came to mind: I jumped into the trees. I spotted her looking for me. I looked back up and once I did, I burst into silent tears.

Shadow's POV

I walked into the forest. (Y/N) wasn't at her house, so I just decided to look in the forest. As I went further in, I could hear faint sobbing. It took me a while to realize that it came from the trees. I looked up to see (Y/N) up there, leaning against the trunk of the tree, crying. I climbed up and tapped on her arm.

"(Y/N)?" She looked up, then looked away. "Hey, Shadow," she said tiredly. "What are you doing up here?" "Just hiding away. Life is cruel to me." She turned to me, "Shadow? D-Do you like L-Lacey?" I looked at her intently saying, "(Y/N), did you see what happened at the party on the veranda?" Tears formed in her eyes as she nodded.

I answered, "(Y/N), Lacey kissed me, not the other way around. I actually hate her. It's... It's you I love, actually." Her eyes widened, "Me? But why me?" I wiped her tears away and said, "(Y/N), in my eyes you're everything I want in a girl. You're smart, funny, kind, brave, strong, loving and beautiful. There's no one else I'd fall for." When I was done I saw her blush and tear up. I slowly cupped her cheek and whispered, "I love you, (Y/N)," and with that, I gently and passionately kissed her.

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