Chapter 9

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Your POV

"Hey, guys? Could I talk to Shadow alone?" They all nodded and left, while the girls were making hearts with their hands to tease me. Shadow and I were alone. I looked at him and he smiled saying, "You're alive." I smiled back, "I didn't plan on leaving any time soon."

He chuckled deeply, which sent a chill up my spine. "Anyway, what else happened? And where's that son of a bitch, Lacey?" I asked. He smirked and said, "Nothing else happened. And Lacey? She's just tied up to a tree in the forest." I thought for a bit, "Hmm... maybe we should let her go?"

He smirked once more, "Free her just to put her behind bars?" I laughed, "You read my mind." Then I asked, "Hey, are there any doctors or nurses coming this way?" He checked outside, "No. No one's coming." I smirked, "Perfect. Come here." He rose an eyebrow and came to me. I motioned for him to come closer.

When he did, I pulled the collar of his jacket towards me and crashed my lips against his. He tensed up, but quickly kissed back passionately. Before we went into a full on make out session, we pulled away, just as a nurse came in and kindly asked Shadow to leave. "We'll continue this some other time~" he said in a husky and sexy tone, leaving me red in the face.

French voice from Spongebob: Few days later 

We all went to the forest after I was out of the hospital. We all followed the screaming. Things like' "Someone get me the fuck outta here!" and, "If any bitches are out there, I'd really like some help!" were heard. We made it to where Lacey was and she glared at us, "Great! Out of all the idiots that could have come, you people show up." Then the others started screaming at her. "What the freaking hell is wrong with you?!" 

"You're living in you're own ding-dang world if you think Shadow wants you!"

I whispered to Shadow, "You know, I thought she would've been eaten by now." He smirked, "Nah, the wolves didn't even wanna eat that," and we laughed. The others took Lacey to the station, while Shadow took me to his house. Once we got in, he led me to his room. "So, Shadow, what do you wanna do?" I asked. I suddenly heard the door lock. I saw Shadow walking towards me.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered, "Well, I did say that we could continue what we started in the hospital..." I blushed heavily and gave a breathy moan as he gently nibbled on the tip of my ear. "I love you so much~" I sighed raggedly as I said, "I love you too." And we continued our make out session, with Shadow being dominant.

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