Overboard much?

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Writers note: HEYYYYYYYY!!!!! 😏

It was getting late. The ocean around my glass tree dome someone became a darker blue as ever minute passed.

"Where in the heck is SpongeBob?" I wondered. It's not like him to blatantly ignore my invite without letting me know. Then again he was acting kinda strange back at the Krusty krab. Maybe Mr.Krabs through in a little overtime for him.

All of a sudden I remembered that I had left a fresh batch of cookies in the oven. I quickly ran in the tree to check if they were ready to eat. I pulled out the tray of cookies from the oven and placed them on a cooling rack that I had bought on from the barg-in-Mart on the way back from the Krusty Krab. The room smelled like chocolate chips and nuts. I took one cookie to taste test and smiled to myself.

"SpongeBob sure doesn't know what he's missing!"


I was dressed up in my best suit and best purple tie (since sandy likes purple hehe). I had bought sandy a bouquet of flowers aswell. I had to look good on my first date.

I looked back at the two pointers Squidward gave me. Know Sandy's Interests and her weekness. Well being Sandy's good friend I know a lot about her interests. She loves karate, science and seriously dangerous stunts. She wasn't like other girls, she was unique. Something that made me love her even more.

The only thing I couldn't figure out was her weekness. What would make her forgive me if we ever did fight. Flowers? Chocolate? Hold on! I said she was unique....not like the pack.

As I was deep into my thoughts I crashed into the glass part of Sandy's dome.
"I guess I'm here..OH let's hope things turn out A OK!"
"Here I go! I can do it! Just ring the doorbell and she'll answer it. All I gotta do is say hi and hand her the flowers...nothing out of the ordinary right?!"



"Good he's here! Golly he sure took his time" I chirped

I walked out of the tree and through my grassy front garden. I grabbed a spare helmet that already had water do I could give to SpongeBob.

I walked to the door and opened it and there stood SpongeBob!

"Howdy Spo-...SPONGEBOB?!!"


"hey there Sandy!" I smiled go in out a huge blush.

She was wearing her normal purple bikini....
She really didn't make an effort to dress up for the occasion...but she still invited me and only me!  I looked up to her face expecting to see her huge beautiful diamond eyes and million dollar smile but all I saw was a confused look.

"Er..Sandy you ok?" I asked hoping that I didn't do something that had upset her.

"N--nothing SpongeBob! Come on in! Y'all must be hungry after a long day flipping patties." Sandy twitched as she changed the subject.
"I'll go get those cookie I promised!"

"Don't forget the milk too! You did say milk and cookies." I joked cheekily!

"I'm on it!" She smiled as she ran into her tree. I say down on the bench on sandy lawn and Wait for her to arrive back.


"WHY IS SPONGEBOB WEARING A SUIT?!" I shrieked as I slammed the kitchen door shut!

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