Things are looking up

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Writers note: sorry for the late update! 💛

I was deep in thought. I wasn't sure why SpongeBob was wearing a suit. I got out a tray and removed the cookies from the cooling rack into the tray.
"It's not like SpongeBob thought my invite was a date an' that would be so darn hilarious! " I walked over the fridge to get out a carton of milk to pour into two glasses.
"I mean SpongeBob could just simply want a change of clothes is all".
At that moment, I felt something cold drop onto my fur. I looked down to my chest to see that I had accidentally spilled milk all over my bikini. I went over to my sink to clean up the mess but my garments already smelt all milky.

"Dang it! Now I gotta change outta these clothes. Let hope SpongeBob doesn't mind waiting a little longer"


I walked around Sandy's eccentric, large dome. It was beautiful and very well kept. My mind kept wondering what was keeping Sandy from coming back to join me but I didn't want to just barge in and ask. I was the one who came late!

I looked down at my two left feet as I twitched impatiently for Sandy's return. I could smell the cookies that Sandy had baked. I smelt chocolate and nuts..Mmmmm.

*stomach growls*

My stomach grew more impatient than I did.
"Why didn't I just eat the krabby Patty that Gary told me to eat before leaving?! Sometimes I feel that snail is smarter than me." I murmured under my breath.


I ran up the stairs of my tree towards my bedroom. I opened up my cupboard to find the usual ensemble I wear. To my surprise, there wasn't anything there other than that purple evening dress I bought from Texas last year. I went to the washing machine and realised that I had forgotten to start the rinse cycle for the clothes.

"Darn it! I was to busy sortin' out them cookies all day that I forgot about my clothes!" I walked back towards my room again to see the purple dress lying on the frame of my wooden bed right where I left it.

"I guess that'll have to do!" I shrugged


I was feeling really impatient now! Where was she? WHERE?
Then I heard the door of the tree open and out strutted Sandy with the tray of cookies and milk.

"Howdy SpongeBob! Sorry for taking a while" Sandy apologised

I looked at her with my bulging blue eyes. She was wearing a purple dress this time. Maybe I misjudged Sandy a bit too quickly.

"It's ok Sandy!" I smiled

"Well I got them cookies and milk I promised!" Sandy chirped back

"Yay!!" I giggled

We both sat down on the outdoor bench and sandy placed the snacks on the table. The first minute was was kinda awkward sitting in front of someone your really good friends with but secretly have feelings for. I was really nervous. My knees were knocking each other under the table and my head started to spin.
UGH why does love make you feel like this?!

"So's your job down at the Krusty Krab?" Sandy asked me as I drifted away from my thoughts.

"Uh...things are ship shape there. Mr Krabs pulls in a little overtime for me as a treat every week and Krabby patties are selling like wildfire! " I said as I started at her beauty.

"Sounds good! Y'all been doing anything special recently?" Sandy asked

"Um..yeah just the other day Patrick an I visited down town to visit the annual Jellyfishing convention but it was cancelled and replaced with Karate Con!" I said excitedly

"I've been to Karate con! That's where all the big Karate experts go. It's a great experience!" Sandy said excitedly back.

"There's also-" said Sandy

"KARATE PANELS!" Spongebob screeched


"NOT FORGETTING KARATE COSPLAY!" SpongeBob threw his hands in the air.

"YEAH!" They both screeched happily in unison after laughing themselves off the bench. As they tumbled to the ground, SpongeBob looked at Sandy and thought to himself happily.

So this is what Squidward meant by finding the common interest...

Things were looking up

SpongeBobXSandy - We Were Made For Each Other Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora