Got any advice squiddy?

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Writers note: sorry for the delay for this chapter. I've been pretty busy lately with tests and junk.

After rereading the note over and over again, examining every detail all the way to the punctuation, I felt the hype rise within me.
Then at that very moment, I felt a song coming.....

"OHhhhhhh....I got a date with Sandy! I got a date with Sandy! I got a date with Sandy! I GO-" I sang when I immediately got cut off by Squidward since he felt that it was the right time to share his profound opinion about my singing.
It touches my heart that Squidward thinks we are close enough to use words of his pratique, horrible words that shouldn't be used around Strangers who don't know how well intentioned those words are.

All I could do was laugh and give him a big hug.

"Don't rub it in!" Squidward mumbled

"You like Sandy too?!" SpongeBob asked confused.

"Huh?! WHAT NO YOU BARNACLE HEAD! Never mind....just get out here already and leave me to wallow in my misery" Squidward sulked.

"Alrighty Squidward...if you need company you can always come down to the pineapple. Better yet we could have a sleepover! And Patrick can come along too!!!" SpongeBob shouted excitedly.

"Thanks SpongeBob but no thanks! I'm NEVER coming to visit you at your house! I rather wallow! Wallow all day and night than tag along with you and captain stupidity!" Squidward snarled as stuck his head back into his magazine.
"Just go enjoy your date with Sandy! And come back to me to tell me everything that happens so that it reminds of Squilvia and I end up heartbroken"

Spongebob was too busy and excited to hear Squidward moan.

"Oooooh this is gonna be great! What should I wear? What should I say? Should I bring flowers?...AH Squidward you are a man of hard core dating and romance. Got any tips on wooing Sandy for tonight?" I say perkily.

"CANT YOU SEE THAT IM BUSY! and besides I'm single so why would you want advice from me?!" Squidward slouched back onto the cash register and carried on reading his magazine.

"You're a genius Squidward that's why!" I said honestly

"Can't argue with that!" Squidward  smirked

"So will you help me Squiddy?!" I pleaded with my bulging blue eyes.

"OH alright! Under two conditions SpongeBob!"

"What's that?" I asked

"Don't call me Squiddy and since I am helping you don't think I am your friend....ok!" Squidward scowled

"Ok Squidd---- I mean Squidward *NYAH NYAH NYAH (spongeBob softly laughs)*


"Alright! So your wanna woo Sandy right!" Squidward asked Spongebob strictly.

"RIGHT!" Replied Spongebob

"Well Romance isn't all fun and games. It's complicated! Only sophisticates like myself truly understand its art!"

" that why your single Squidward?!" SpongeBob asked

"Yes....WHAT NO! Before you you truly understand its art! You must know the fundamentals!" Said Squidward

"Ok which is.." Spongebob grabbed a notebook and pen from his pocket.

"Firstly know what kind of woman you are dealing with? What are her interests or hobbies even." Squidward explained.

"Interests and hobbies! Got it!"

"Then know what her weakness is. So if you ever end up fighting you know how to calm her down and keep her sweet...but unfortunately your very own gorgeous clarinet soloist couldn't do that.."

"Your friends with Kelpy G?" SpongeBob asked surprisingly!

"I WAS TALKING ABOUT ME!!! Squidward scolded.

"Oh....OH NO! I should be at Sandy's now...oh darn it! Well done SquarePants..late on your first date!" Spongebob scowled to himself as he left the Krusty krab but ran back to the cash register.

"THANK YOU SQUIDWARD! Your a pal! Wish me luck!"

"Go get em Romeo!" Squidward sighed dully.

Writers note: Like the story so far? Drop those comments below and hit the vote button! 👊🏼💛

SpongeBobXSandy - We Were Made For Each Other Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon