confronting and discovering

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rachel rushed out of mckinley that friday it had been three weeks since she had slept with sebastian she had suffered three weeks of stress over it and now she was gonna deal with it head on sje was gonna comfront him she was on her way to dalton acadamy to speak to him she was fed up of him just appearing and been mean she wanted to know once and for all what his problem was.

rachel reached dalton her nerves kicked in a little but she wasnt gonna turn back now she was heading up the front steps of the acadamy. she saw guys looking at her but she didnt care then she sww trent

" trent where is sebastian" rachel asked

" he is in his dorm" trent said

" and where is that" rachel asked

" its well yuo go up to the top floor then you go left then left again then right: trent was saying

" show me" rachel said trent agreed and she followed him through the school then trent knocked on a door and she heared sebastians voice from within. a moment later the door opened and sebastia. seemed shocked to see her before plastering on hos trade mark smirk.

" what do i owe this misfortune" sebastian said as rachep surprising both sebastian and trent and even herself charged his to his room. sebastian shut the door so it was just the two of them.

" well" sebastian said crossimg his arms

" i want to know what your problem is" rachel said

" your my problem" sebastian said

" why you been mean to me i havent done anything to you" rachel said

" thats where your wrong berry" sebastian said

" what i havent done anything to you" rachel said outraged

" oh really so sleepig with me letting me lose my virginity to you then you sneaking out without so much as saying goodbye then ignoring me for a week then ignoring when im around and you have the nerve to sta d their and say you havent wronged me" sebastian said

" you hate me why owuld you even want people to know what happened" rachel said

" oh rachel are you blind i didnt hate you i do now i think your a bitch now but i did t hate you" sebastian said he looked upset which rachel had never seen before.

" i am so confused. " rachel said"

" whats to be confused about we slept together and you left before i woke up then acted like it never happened whats so confusing about that" sebastian said

" i dont undersatnd where your coming from you have never been anything but mean to me so why would i stay amd face you after we you know" rachel said

" you left becuaee you thought i would be mean to you i had just fucked you why wpuld i do that if i hated you" sebastian yelled

" i was drunk i have no recollecgion of what happened" rachel told him

" i was drunk too i dont remember everything but i remember knowing i wanted to" sebastian said

"you have treated me like shit sebastian shy would i wake up and think anything other than it been a bad mistake and your behaviour since as been what i expected from you that morning i wasnt gon a stay and put up with that" rachel said

rachel and sebastian : problems Where stories live. Discover now