heart too heart

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rachel and sebastian are sat on isabella's bed singing you are my sunshine to her she was drifting off as sebastian stroked her cheek gently.

once she was asleep they headed to the lounge and sat back before sebastian made them both a coffee as rachel sat flicking through the tv channels.

" here you go babes" sebastian said passing her mug to her.

" thanks"she said taking it from him.

"are you alright rach"he asked

"yes i am im still in shock but i am happy i cant believe we are having twins but then again when i found out about isabella i was in shock and i couldnt be without her now or you for that matter" rachel said as sebastian starting giving her a foot massage.

" everything happens for a reason" sebastian said

" true" rachel said

" and lets face it im hot so as my girl your job is to populate the world with my beautiful offspring" sebastian said

" oh and to think we are gonna have a son which means another generation of girl have to put up with a smythe" rachel said laughing

"   he will break some hearts"sebastian said

"i see so he os allowed to date but the girls are not"rachel said giggling

"yes i might seem unfair but they are going to be atleast thirty whennthey have their first boyfriends"sebastian said

"i see"rachel said shaking her head

" oh yes i will put my foot down when they boys come swamping which they will because lsts face it wiy us as parents their couldnt ask for better genetics" sebastian said

" your all talk you are seb iabella already has you wrapped round her finger" rachel said

" she is my princess and you babe are my queen"sebastian said

"aww"rachel said

"dont worry about nyada everything always works out even if its not the way you think it will" sebastian said

" that was earlier when i was in shock my focis is the babies i will so whats right for them not myself" rachel said

" plus with the money i got in my dads will we can more than afford the twins" sebastian said

" thank goodness your fmily has money  otherwise we wuld be screwed" rachel said

" two things babe firstly even with no money i would be rich because i got you and bella plus the twins and secondly you can be screwed whenever you want you know i never say no"sebastian said

"honestly you say something so sweet then have to spoil it" she jad whacking him with a cushion.

" that is exactly why you love me" sebastian said smirking

" that is true" rachel saod leaning in to kiss him.

" see i knew it you see me as a sex object" sebastian said chuckling

" that is true" rachel sais laughing then trying to muffle it wih a cushion so she didnt wake isabella up but it was to late a moment later a tired isabella came walking into the lounge carrying her fravorite teddy called shelley.

" hey im sorry for waking you" rachel said to her daughter who was making her way over to sebastian who picked her up onto his knee.

" im tired" isabella said rubbing her eyes

" you want daddy to sing you too sleep" sebastian asked her ahe responded with a nod so he carried her back to her room rachel heared him a minute later singing part of your world from the little mermaid which was isabella's fravorits disney movie which made rachsl laugh everytime she saw sebastian the sea crab something sebastian had picked up on and had stsrtd to nip her pretending to be a crab.

he returned a few minutes later he sat down pulliing rachel to him so they were cuddled up.

" try not to wake her honestly"sebastian said smirking at her

" then dont make me laugh" rachel said

" so tell me are you still feeling horny as you have been lately "he asked her

"maybe"rachel said

"maybe"he repeated

"think i might need helpmgetting in the mood"rachel said

"well may i offer my services my love"sebastian said

"yes you may"rachel said before kissing him.

"right then come on then my dear"he said offering her his hand to get up before letting it go once she was stood and he went running to their room. by the time rachel was in their bedroom sebastian was naked and in bed.

"in the words of marvin gaye lets get it on"sebastian sais as rachel laid down in the bed.

they spent hours making love before falling asleep with their limbs entwined.

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