several guest part two

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its two days later and rachel has just finished expressing milk for the twins as sebastian is drawing a picture for isabella to colour in as the door buzzer goes rachel knows its her dads.

as she goes to open the door she is engulfed in a huge hug by leroy then by hiram

" my dear" leroy says

"grandads" isabella yells getting off the chair and running to them

"princess"hiram said picking her up

"have you grown since we saw you last"hiram asked her

"yes im a big girl now " isabella announced

"you are that my dear"leroy said giving her a kiss as sebastian walked over to them they both shook his hand then leroy made his way to the moses baskets before raising his hands to his face.

" arent they just the cuest little things " leroy said

" thank you" sebastian as he lifted amelia out for leroy to hold

" i think a family pi ture is in order come on isabella" hiram saod he set up the camera rachel sat inbetween lwroy who held amelia and sebastian who held little sebastian hiram had isabella on his knee as the camera flashed.

" well its obvious you two were meant to have kids look at them all three of them are beautiful " hiram said

" so exciting times are ahead the premiere of frozen" leroy said

" dont im dreading it" rachel said

" why" leroy asked

" well two reasons i will be away from them plus its only a few weeks awy im gonna look rubbish " rachel said

" babe you can't look rubbish and anyway dont worry im  gonna be by your side through the whole thing" sebastian said

" awe see sweetheart " leroy said

" so dont worry everyone will be looking at me" sebastian said rachdl gigled

" its true i can see the headline now new disney voice superstar bags fit fiancé" sebastian said

" i love how supportive you are" rachel said

" yes and not remotely full of himself "leroy said laughing

" ofcourse not im a the most humble down to earth person ever and you know it" sebastian said

" yes i thought when i first met you i thought he seems shy " rachel said

"and that my love if why you should always trust your first instincts" sebastian said

" what you talking about " isabella asked

" your dad and how quiet and sweet he is"hiram told her

"my daddy isnt quiet he is very very loud" isabella said

" im not" sebastian said chuckling reaching over to tickle her before placing little sebastian in his moses basket

" yes you are your louder than mommy" isabella said

" thats my girl we girls have to stick together " racgel said high fiving her daughter sebastian stuck out his bottom lip trying to look upset which made isabella get off hiram's knee and go to him he had his hands over his face and she placed her hands on his trying to pull hem away from his face.

"daddy" she whispered and he tuck his hands away and grabbed her and pulled her on to his knee making her giggle.

" i thought you were daddy's princess" he said

" i am but you told me to tell the thruth" isabella said

" good girl" he said

" listen i hope im not spoiling anything but would you like us to take isabella to the park give her our attentikn then you can have a break" hiram asked

" a break with twins" rachel laughed

" yes that would be nice thank you" sebastian said

" yay park can i have a balloon" isabella said

" sure you can darling come on lets get your coat on" leroy said

" boy does she know how to play you" sebastian said getting her coat for her

" yes she does reminds me of someone " leroy said

" what" rachel said

" yes it didnt work when seb tried to acted innocent a d its not working now you were always a diva rachel dont worry we were proud of that a girl who can speak her mind is a very good thing" hiram said

" bye mommy" isabella said running to her giving her a cuddle

" good bye sweetie and be good" rachel said

" bye darling" sebastian said kissing her then she and hiram and leroy were gone.

" tell you so sthjng the smythe and berry genes are kicking in with her aren't they" sebastian said sitting down next to rachel pulling her gently into a cuddle.

" yep we certainly have our hands full now" rachel said

" but as always we will gwt through it together " sebastian said

" true i dont know what i would do without you" rachel said

" no niether do i" sebastian said and she slapped him

" you deserved that" rachel giggled

" yeah im the one thats lucky i get to shag you" he said

" yes but not for a few weeks" rachel said

" oh i know that im counting down the days" sebastian said

" i thought you might be" rachel said

they remained on the couch rachel drifted off to sleep cuddled up to him.

rachel and sebastian : problems Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat