moving forward

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its tuesday and rachel ia dreading the next few hours she is going to buy clothes that fit over her growing bump santana and quinn are going with her they are in quinns car beth is also with them. rachel was so thankful to sebastian for getting trent to take kurt out after he was pestering her to help her buy clothes. they arrived at the first store even the name annoyed rachel bumps r us the sign said. as soon as they were in the store a sails woman was on then complementing rachel on her healthy look amd taking ner straight to some clothes which were not bad but certainly were not rachel. the woma. left them there to take carw of another customer.

"  what about his one rch its pretty" quinn asked picking up a lemon coloured laced top

" its not bad" rachel said after twenty minutes rachel was whisked into the changing room wih santana to try on so e clothes that santana and quinn felt suited rachel. some were okay some rachel wpuldnt even try on.

" have you thought of  buying something sexy" santana asked

" sexy" rachel asked santana as she was currently trying on a dress which constisted entirely of frills.

" yeah you know for sebastian" santana said

" honestly santana we are here for maternity clothes not sex clothes" quinn said rachel blushed.

" why you blushing we know you two have had sex we wouldnt be here if you hadnt" santana said

" rach" quinn said to her as they left the dressing room

" we havent since" was all rachel said

" you mean since the party you guys havent got iton" santana asked in shock

"it jist hasnt happened" rachel said

" i dont understand" quinn asked

" wellwe are busy you know doing this and that by the time im in bed i just fall asleep i have slept withbhim but thats all thats happened" rachel said

" well do you want to" santana said

" are you worried about your body because i sont think sebastian has a problem he cant take his eyes of you or the bump" quinn said

" right lets get these bought and on to the next store" santana said as they didnt want to badger rachel on tne subject. the next store was slightly better notas frilly the name was beautiful bumps. rachel actually liked some of the clothes even santana wanted to buy on of the dresses. after that stire they went for dinner to a diner beth was been as good as gold.

" so you and puck still going okay" rachel asked quinn

" oh yes"quinn said with a smile

" its great isnt the three of us all happy and in love" santana said

" thad must be something " quinn said to rachel while nodding at santana

" yeah he is good influenece on her" rachel replied

" i am here you know" santana said as beth woke up needing changing

" i will do it  i need to practice. " rachel said taking beth from quinn and heading to the baby changing room.

after dinner they went to another store which was worst than the first even quinn agreed she shouldnt wear anything from there.

finally the shopping was done and quin. dropped rachel off first he dads wanted to see her clothes they told her she looked like a princess. rachel went to bed she was tired.


rachel is at home waiting for sebastian a d his mum go arrive for dinner she is wearing some of her new purchases. a bright blue blouse and elastic jeans.  as rachel helped leroy set the table the door bell rang rachel went to let sebastian and maggie in.

" hi" rachel said as sebastian kisser her and maggie gave her a hug

" welcome" lwroy said hugging maggie

" very nice"sebastian said to rachel while looking at her top

" thank you its one of the only things i do like" rachel said

" i know i brought you these they are my older ones the dont fit me anymore" srbadtian said passing her a bag containing five sweatshirts

" thank you" she said kissing him again

" places everyone" hiram announced from the kitchen.

" we should domthis kore often you should come to mine next timd" maggie said

" i agree we need to get to know one another" leroy said

" here we are" hiram said bringing through a large bowl of soup

" carrot and corriander a family recipec hiram said maggie tasted it

" its devine" maghie said hiram was pleased he k ew maggie had trained as a chef

they all sat discusding the baby and how rachel was doi g much better after her enemia scare the evening went by quite well. maggie was going to see her sistwr tomorrow so she left at eight oclock.

" so you wanna stay at mine over the weekend it will just be us at the house" sebastian asked as tbey went up to rachels room.

" okay" rachel said as thwy sat on her bed sebastin put ths tv on rachsl snuggled upto him and they started to kiss. the kiss was intense and passionate. sebastian cupped her fzce in hus hand deeping the kiss.
rachel had thpught about the chat with the girls yesterday about her and sebastian. sebastian lowered his hand tonher arm and bwgan running hia fingers up and down her arm rachel unbutton his tip button.

" rach" sebastian said

" what" rache asked surprised he had stopped her.

"are you sure" sebastian said

" yes im sure i want too" rachel said as they began kissing again.

they made love it was tender and romantic it was a very special moment as they both had only hd sex the nightbof thw party and niether could remember it so it was not justvtheir first time as a couple but it was like theit first time full stop. sebastian slept at hers that night rachel felt safe laid in his arms. she felt there was no barriers between them anyomore she knew she had made the right descision.

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