celebrations and confessions

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rachel is ready to go out to celebrate wining nationals the warblers are all joining the new diresctions at the club santana as instisted they go too. sebastian is downstairs waiting for rachel but she is upstair unhappy her bump as grown in recent days and everything she had tried on she feels awful in. she eventually settle on the black dress quinn got her for her birthday its a maternity dress so aleast she doesnt feel uncomfortable but she thinks she looks awful. as she stares into the mirror hatingnehr apperance sebastian come in the room.

" hey you ready"sebastian asked her

"suppose"rachel said

"you look..."sebastian started to say

"dont because i know your only sayingbit its not true i look like crap"rachel snapped.

"i think you look lovely"sebastian said

"im hidious and i have months to go yet " rachel said sebastian put one hand rou d her waist the other on her bump

" i think my girls look radiant" sebastian said

"one thing thats come out of this im not hothered about my nose anymore " rachel said annoyed.

" rach whats wrong why are you saying things like that ' sebastian said

" im ugly i always was and now im fat" rachel said

" firstly your not ugly and you have were and and your not fat your having a baby our baby" sebastian said rachel started to cry he held her

" i want to ask you something and i wand an honest answer" rachel said

" okay" sebastian said

" are you only with me for the baby" rachel said sebastian was dumbfounded

" what rach how can you even ask me that i love you rach you know i do" sebastian said clearly hurt at her question

" but we wouldnt be dating if i wasnt would we" rachel said

" rach your pregnant your hormonal and uour self concious i can understsnd it must be difficult  for you but dont tart questionning us" sebastian said.

" im sorry" rachel said sobbing

" oh come here"he said holding her close to him and kissing the top of her head.

" listen to me we are going out to celebrate your talent and your win forget everything else for one night let your hair okay. yes you cant drink but so what you can dance and have fun woth the people who love you" sebastian said.


they arrive outside the club and head in they get in without rachel been id because od her bump rachsl could feel eyes on her and sebastian lead her by hand to the others who wers already in the club.

" hey baby momma" mercedes said moving up so rachel could sit down.

" so  will get the drinks rachek virgin bloody mary okay for you" kurt asked

" its only thjg virginal about her" a girl who looked like a member of vocal adreneline said to hwr friends near where they were sat.

" ignore her" kurt told her sebastian tuck rachels hand and have it a squeeze she gave him a small smile.

katy perrys i kissed a girl started to play

rachel and sebastian : problems Where stories live. Discover now