Part 5

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"Clear!!" I kept on hearing as Yeo Reum was being revived. As every minute passed the voltage became higher and higher. I couldn't watch anymore. I heard nothing, I felt nothing. Then I realized, she was my everything.

"She's alive!" I heard the nurse say as I snapped back to reality. "Vitals normal. She's going to be okay." The nurse said to the doctors and then looked at me.

"When will she wake up?" I asked.

"In a few hours. I think you should g-" I cut off the nurse.

"I'm staying here until she wakes up." I demanded.

As I was sitting there next to her, I began to remember all that we had done together. I didn't want to loose her ever again.

"Good morning..." I heard as I began to open my eyes. "You were out like a light." She smiled.

"You're okay!" I shouted and hugged her without a second thought. "Wait...are you okay?" I asked.

"Yea I'm fine but what happened?" She asked.

"I came into the kitchen and saw you on the floor next to an empty pill bottle." I explained. "I also saw these horrible texts from your family."

"Well, I was in deep. I felt that I had no way out. I only realized that I had you after I had swallowed the pills." She explained. "I regretted taking those and most of all, I regret scaring you."

"I need to tell you something." I began.

"What?" She asked curiously.

"While they were reviving you, nothing seemed to work. I couldn't feel anything, hear anything, or see anything." I explained. "Then I realized that you were my everything."

"But we haven't known each other for that long." She protested.

"I'm not expecting an answer now. I'm just being honest." I said. "If you want to stop living with me that's fine." 

"But the thing is, I don't want to stop living with you...ever." She said. "It's just weird that we could both develop these feeling for each other only after knowing each other for a few days."

"I see." It went silent for a moment. "Who was texting you?"

"The rest of my living family." She answered. "They all think that since I'm bipolar they can just do whatever to me."

"I don't think you're bipolar, I just think that you're depressed and had a bad Doctor." I said. "I mean I've only seen upset once before you overdosed. Every other thing you've been happy." I explained. "Happier than I ever could hope to be."

"Let's be happy together." She said. "I mean we are kind of each others therapists in a daily therapy session."

"You're right." I said. "Thank you for everything." I looked back at her.

After about a day or so, we were able to go back home again. I had to go back to work immediately because I had been out for 3 days. It wasn't good at all for BTS as a whole. As I was leaving I told her that if she needed anything to call me and I'll come running. Her face tuned bright red and for the first time...she laughed happily.

A/N: I wrote this in my civics class again lol. Anyway thanks for reading bye bye~~


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