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Psalms 119:1-32

What a blessing we are favored with; we benefit from God's promises as His children, the sheep of His fold, the flock in His pasture! The books of Psalms are used by multitudes of people as a comfort, help, assistance, and/or protection by reading, quoting, or meditating on the content of one or more chapters. For instance, the 23rd Psalm has been memorized by a larger amount of individuals than any other passage from God's Word. Few have not heard, "The Lord is my Shepherd." You see Psalms are meant to open our eyes and hearts to the Shepherd of our souls. He loves, He gives, He forgives, He comforts, He protects, He heals, and, as a matter of a fact, He has plans for our lives within His care! (Psalms 119:105-TEV-"Your word is a lamp to guide me, and a light (enlightenment) for my path." He wants us to be aware of His Love! He planned our Redemption and Adoption into His family; but, He relies on us to present the Repentance and Faith!

Because this chapter in Psalms is so lengthy, containing 176 verses, we will divide it into five parts. This interesting, lengthy Psalm is set up in the unity of the Hebrew alphabet. Each successive stanza begins with the next letter of the alphabet. This makes 22 letters in all; however, I have chosen to use four Hebrew letters for each part until the last two. This acrostic pattern develops the WISDOM OF THE RIGHTEOUS MAN as he serves God! Every eight verses in Psalm 119 is a separate letter of the Hebrew alphabet with a special purpose for each segment according to the meaning of the name of that letter. You see, the use of the Hebrew alphabet is not just a convenient way to sort the Psalm into eight verses each. It also comes from Hebrew words with meanings that describe the action within each segment.

To explain this clearly the first Hebrew letter is "Aleph". Which means "First" which explains the content describing the One True God who is 3 in 1 and shows the transformation of humans to spiritual beings. Psalms 119 shows the Bible as the God-Given guide for man. We need to see it as our blueprint for life. The Holy Spirit uses this water of the Word to cleanse our minds, our walk and our way by purifying our motives, and pointing us to the right path. In today's world, we need a standard book which has never changed nor become controlled by human pollution. (Ephesians calls it, "the washing of the water by the Word.") God freed us from the world's control. (Exodus 20:2-KJV-"I am the Lord your God which have brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage."). We are free of the world's slave market. No one could be saved by keeping the Old Testament Laws as the Jewish nation found out. The reason God gave the Laws to Moses was to show Israel how to live as God's people for their own benefit. (Deuteronomy 6:1-3-reveals the reason God required obedience, "that it may be well with you and that you may increase mightily as the Lord God of your fathers has commanded you in the land that flows with milk and honey."). It pays to obey!

The first Hebrew alphabet letter is "Aleph". In the law, God out of mercy pointed out the path to follow. So God says to His people that Godly people are happy people! "Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord! Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with the whole heart." (Verses 1&2-NKJV). David further tells us to "do no iniquity, ...walk in His way,...keep His precepts diligently."

Then in a shame-faced way David feels a prick of his own conscience and pleads with God, "Oh that my ways were directed to Your statutes." He determines to keep the commands and pleads for God's help. We must follow his example as we also need His help to keep His ways!

The next Hebrew alphabet letter is "Beth". Beth means "House" or "in the beginning". It is the first word in the Bible in Genesis 1. It is also the 1st in the Jewish blessing. It symbolizes the plurality of the creation- this world and the world to come. Our task is to prepare in this world for the world to come. David describes the only way to keep clean is to heed God's Word in obedience. Again David pleads for help, "let me not wander ..." Good idea! "your word have I hidden in my heart! that I might not sin against You." Be sure to share your testimony as David does. Meditation on His will is an important part of learning so you "will not forget (His) word." Think about it! Meditate on it!

The next 8 verses are in Hebrew, "Gimmel" which portrays the mercy of God, kindness and completion. It also means a "Camel's hump" where his water is stored against dry spells. Thus we find happiness is guaranteed! "deal bountifully with" me, "Open my eyes, not hide commands from me...Remove me from reproach and contempt...Your testimonies are my delight." (Testimony is a Hebrew verb meaning "to witness" or "to testify".) And it says in Exodus 31:18-these words are "written with the finger of God." WOW! Mercy from The HIGHEST AUTHORITY!

The fourth Hebrew alphabet letter is "Daleth" which means "Door". We need a dimension in space and time for directions. It is also called a "Gate". It allows us to exist in this world in spite of adversity. The opening to refresh us when we are overwhelmed! David climaxes this part 10 of my book with (EGA-THAT IS MY OWN VERSION)-"Pick me up, Lord, and dust me off!" "Remove me as You have promised." he says, "You heard my confession of all I did, and You answered me; teach me Your rules!" (TEV-" teach me...and I will study your wonderful teachings...strengthen me...keep me straight.") Then David says he paid attention to the Lord's ways, was not sorry, and obeyed His command because God will teach him.

That's a lot of promises and admonitions from God in this reading! They are very easy to understand! We should be as straight forward with God! Note all David did for the value of God's approval in his life. We need to repeat these requirements in our own lives! We must:

-Follow His commands;

-Obey Him with all our hearts;

-Walk in His way

-Obey His law faithfully;

-Be Faithful in keeping His rules;

-Study and learn His Word;

-Praise Him with a pure heart;

-Confess our weakness to God; and,

-Determine not to be disobedient!

Sounds like a real deal! If you, then I! It's a two-way street but He gives so much more than we do. Faith! Trust and obedience are all we need to do; but, His blessings are unending and unlimited!

Next time...


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