The Beginning Never Ends!

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Psalms 119:161-176

As all journeys must Come to an end, we arrive at the last two sections of the Hebrew alphabet "Shin" and "Tau". We begin with "Shin" which means "tooth" or a "symbol of Divine, peace, power and mastery." It is one of the holiest letters in the Hebrew language. On Mezizah it is attached to the doorpost of Jewish households as a sign of El Shaddai, the Holy Spirit. It also refers to a "sharp rock, cliff, or crag."

Perhaps this would be a good place to stop and ponder the hieroglyphics for the Hebrew alphabet which have a number value as well as another hidden truth revealed. Briefly for your benefit, I will list them as they are given:

Hebrew Letter. Number value. Meaning.

Alpha.- One Elohim (God)

Beth. Two. Covenant with man

Gimmel. Three. Heavenly Trinity

Dalet. Four. 4 horseman and 4 kingdoms

Hey. Five. Grace

Vau. Six. Renewal, redemption transformation

Zayin. Seven. Heavenly Completion

Chet. Eight. Start over, new beginning

Tet. Nine. Fruits of the Spirit

Yod. Ten. Testing (10 plagues, 10 virgins, 10th tithe

Kaph. Twenty. Redemption

Lamed. Thirty. Dedication, Messiah

Mem. Forty. No significance

Nun. Fifty. Holy Spirit, Year of Jubilee, days of Pentecost

Samech. Sixty. Height of statues

Ayin. Seventy. Restoration

Pey. Eighty. No significance

Tsadde. Ninety. To procure

Qoph. One hundred A promise

Resh. Two hundred Insufficient

Shin. Three hundred Length of time for happening

Tau. Four hundred. Something happening to someone

This information may not seem pertinent but if you want to dig deeper, there is a depth of meaning to the Hebrew hieroglyphics number value as used by the Hebrews. David, however, was dealing with his personal dedication to the laws of God. He barely touches on the problem of oppression by rulers. He said, (NEB) "Rulers oppress me without cause but my heart honors what You have said." The TEV calls it "respect". (We could use more respect of God.). KJV calls it "awe of Your (God's) Word." (In 1Samuel 24:11,18 David cut off a piece of Saul's robe and held it up to show him he could have killed him but didn't.) That was how he met the ruling oppressors. What great love, respect and awe David had for God's laws!

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