Eternal Harvest!

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Psalms 119:129-160

Here we are at the group of Hebrew alphabet "Pey, Tsadde, Qoph, and Resh". These sections show David's desire to obey the laws of God. The "Pey" letter means "Mouth".

The ultimate purpose of humans is to learn to sing praises to the Almighty God and to learn the laws of God (Torah to the Hebrews). "Pey" also refers to "speech, blow, or breath." Whatever comes out of our mouth was meant to praise and glorify God! How drastically we have perverted the use of our mouths to curse, complain, or cause grief in others. A Gift from God is "Pey" but we have allowed Satan to use our gift in a destructive way. Verse 131 says, "I open my mouth up wide...I long for your commands..." No wonder David used this section by beginning with (NKJV)-"Your testimonies are wonderful; therefore my soul will keep them."

He went on to say, (NEB)-"Access to Your Words gives light, giving simple folks understanding." (Proverbs 6:23-TLB- gives the reasoning of this statement by David. "For Your advice is a beam of light directed into the dark corners of your mind to warn you of danger and to give you a good life." The admission of David that he , "opens his mouth up wide, panting" for God's command, is also quoted in Psalms 42:1&2-(TLB)- "As the deer pants for water, so I long for You, O God. I thirst for God, the living God..". (Read the whole chapter of Psalms 42 but we will discuss it further in another book.)

David urges God to "Come back to " him "and have mercy on" him. This is the Justice of a loving God of Mercy when we respond to His love! (Psalms 106:4; 2 Thessalonians 1:6-"Keep my steps steady by Your Word (the Power of God's Word) don't let sin rule me.") (Romans 6:12; Psalms 17:5-TLB-"My feet have not slipped from Your paths." David further said, "Redeem me" and "Shine Your face on Your servant, and teach me.." (Luke 1:74; Psalms 4:6). Then he makes an intensive declaration,(NEB)-"Rivers of tears stream from my eyes because Your instruction isn't being kept." (Jeremiah 9:1; 18:14-17). Conclusion-I want to serve You! This is David's sentiments. (Psalms 30:5-KJV-"Weeping may endure for a night, but Joy comes in the morning.)

The next division is "Tsadde" which means "Fishhook, a scythe or reaping hook; or harvest". God's guidance from above reaps, hooks us up as God's harvest. God leads us to righteousness in Him and some day will take us home as His harvest. Here David's emphasis is concentrated on God's righteousness and perfect Justice. In verses 137-144, He said,(TEV)-"You are righteous Lord and Your laws are right...How certain Your promise is...Your righteousness will last forever...Your commandments bring me joy ...Your instructions are righteous forever,..." Now combined in this force of righteousness is the results on David's life, (NKJV)-" My zeal has consumed me because my enemies have forgotten Your Words...therefore Your servant love it, I am small and despised, yet I do not forget Your precepts... Trouble and anguish have overtaken me, yet Your commandments are my delights,"

Then comes David's final statement of reliance on God's righteous judgment, " Give me understanding, and I shall live." Pretty profound decision! God gives WISDOM to all who ask and promises everlasting life to the responders. (EVEN NOW IN THE YEAR 2016.). So we end this section "Tsadde" with Psalms 19:7-NEB-

"The Lord's instructions is perfect, reviving one's very being.

The Lord's laws are faithful, making naive people wise.

The Lord's regulations are right, Gladdening the heart.

The Lord's commands are pure, giving light to the eyes.

Honoring the Lord is correct, lasting forever.

The Lord's judgments are true, all these are righteous."

Now we come to the Hebrew alphabet letter known as "Qoph" which translates,"to buy or sell; the eye of a needle; ape or monkey". It also refers to the "back of the head or to move in circles". With all this variety how do we apply this to the next eight verses? Well there is one thing that always works in many different ways-Prayer! Prayer is the application David speaks of over and over which worked for he knew the value of using it. Prayer of Hope, Prayer of Deliverance. (NKJV)-"I cry out with my whole heart;". Then the plea, "Hear me, O Lord! I will keep Your statutes." (TEV)-"I call to You; Save me, and I will follow your rules! (Perhaps this sounds like David is always bargaining with God - "If You, then I;". But basically David is assuring God that he trusts God because of how God proves Himself to him). Trust is developed by experience! That's why David says, (TEV)-"Before sunrise I call to You for help; I place my hope in Your promise." (Psalms 5:3-NKJV-"My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; In the morning I will direct it to You, and I will look up.

David even thought of God in the night and about His Word. Similar words are used in Psalms 63:6-"Lord, make me live again..." Breathe into me new life, renew a right spirit within me, O Lord! "You are nearby and all Your commandments are true." (Psalms 145:18-NKJV-"The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth."). David concludes, "Long ago, I learned from Your laws that You had established forever." Everlasting, no end; how much more solid can the laws of God be. IT IS ETERNAL!

We are ready to study the last Hebrew alphabet letter in this part, "Resh" which means "Head; Chieftain ; or Supreme One." It stands for a challenge of a choice-greatness or degradation! CHOOSE YOUR LEADER CAREFULLY. (Choose you this day whom you will serve?..") David made his choice to serve God so he sends a plea for salvation. He wants the eye of God's pity, power, Grace, and righteousness all on his life. He pleads (TEV) -"Look at my suffering and save me, I haven't neglected the law; Defend my cause and set me free; save me," because God promised; "So save me, according to Your decision; save me, according to Your constant love."

Again David repeated over and over, "Save me,." Then he concludes "Resh" with the words, (NKJV)-"The first thing to know about Your Word is that it is true and that all Your righteous rules last forever." Here again we find the basis of our faith in God. The externality of something or someone makes it stable and trustworthy! AND GOD IS SOLID, STABLE AND TRUSTWORTHY!

Next time...


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