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You ran as fast as your legs could carry you, whys that? Well, you just got an email about a special event on the game LOLOL and your guild has been looking forward to it, your guild leader always hyped everyone up for this, running up the stairs to your apartment you opened the door and closed it behind you, throwing your bag on your bed and changing into comfortable pjs you sat in you stretched your arms and legs before sitting in your gaming chair and turned your computer on, after logging in you loaded up the game and joined the group call "Oh! (Username) is on the voice chat for the first time!" A male member exclaimed "well this is a special occasion" you replied as you put on your wireless headphone and adjusted the microphone "wait, you're a girl?!" "Yes, we'll start when guild leader logs in.. So use this as the opportunity to get snacks and drinks" you spoke as you stood up and went to your kitchen, picking up a bag of honey buddha chips that you still, to this day, couldn't believe you managed to get your hands on, picking up a load of (f/drink) and (f/snack), walking back to the desk you placed it by your computer screen, opening the window a little you placed a blanket around yourself and sat in the chair "is he on yet?" You asked "I just got on~ school ended a little late because I fell asleep in class" he let out a small chuckle, "do you have snacks prepared?" "Ah! I forgot, thank you for reminding me, and call me Yoosung please.." "Okay, event starts in 5 so hurry" "I ship them" a member mumbled while a few others in the chat agreed, you didn't hear him so you looked at the event screen "oh~ a very rare weapon can be obtained!" "Eh!? What weapon!!" "The dark blade, lame name but good use, it's strong against zombies and demons" you hummed "we should give it to the lowest level member, Yoosung!" "Good idea!" He replied with the same amount of enthusiasm that you had but with a little bit of sadness, he probably wanted to add it to his collection, smiling to yourself you wrote down your plan

When the guild has finished with the event, log onto your second account (so they don't know you're doing it) to get the weapon, send the weapon to your main so you can let Yoosung add it to his collection!

"Oh! Everyone who wants to do it is on! Let's start!" Yoosung cheered as he sent out the request, after everyone joined they all split up into little teams, lower levels fight the lower level zombies, higher levels fight the ogres and the highest level, you, Yoosung, RainbowDude and ICouldntThinkOfAName, everyone managed to do the event without a problem, not keeping track of how much time passed you went to pick up a honey Buddha chip but, you're out! "Shit" "did you die?" Yoosung asked "no, I ran out of Homey Buddha chips" "you have some!? They're so rare!" "Haha, I have a few bags left, what time is it for everyone?" You asked and it just reach mid day for nearly all members but you and Yoosung, it was past 2am for you both "almost done!!" You cheered and just before anyone could land the final hit Yoosung disappeared, he didn't get any rare items or items at all, you noticed he signed back in and asked what happened, he told you that his power is gone and that he is gonna go and hide under the sheets, he bid everyone goodnight and left the call everyone but you shrugged it off, it kind of annoyed you but you didn't want to ruin the moment, looking at how long the event was going to last it would be gone by morning, smiling to yourself you switched accounts, lucky for you, your other account was nearly the same level as your main so this would be easy but would take a lot of time, but you didn't care, he was really excited about this event..

In the morning

You just got the items about 5 minutes before the event ended, a call popped up from Yoosung and you clicked answer, failing to notice it was a video call, you yawned "good morning.." "Whoops, wrong button I didn't mean video call! Wow, you look really tired! Did I wake you up?" "I haven't slept" you told him the truth and his face filled with worry "really?! Why!" "Log onto lolol quickly" "okay" he did as he was told and you started a trade with him from your alt account, you gave him the sword, you finished the trade and looked at his face, you smiled at how happy he looked and then he looked at the camera with a serious look "go bed.." You giggles and waved your hand, lightly yawning "you used so much of your time to do this for me.. Where do you live?" He asked so you told him, his face lit up more "Let's meet up and get coffee together!" "Sure, what time?" You asked rubbing your eyes "Hm.. How about Saturday at 4:30pm?" "It's a date" you giggled at his blushing face "now go bed" you nodded "goodnight.. Morning.. I-I'll sign out now" you both exchanged a smile before ending the call, signing out and turning your computer off you laid in bed "he's cute.." You mumbled into the pillow, closing you eyes his sweet voice rung in your head and his smile floated around you head, smiling to yourself you fell asleep, then for the next few days you and Yoosung spoke more over calls and video to the point you were both comfortable enough to give each other phone numbers but Saturday was soon approaching and he was excited for it and so were you but you kept praying that you wouldn't make it awkward because you've started to fall for the boy..

It's now Saturday and you just dressed up in a normal pain of jeans with your favourite top and converses, you waited at the cafe he told you about, ordering a hot chocolate for yourself while you wait for him to arrive, you were honestly really excited to finally meet Yoosung face to face, after you guys hang out more you will confess to him your true feelings! Getting your Nintendo 3ds out you started to play Fire Emblem Fates, you recently just got the game and just got inside Hoshido, after defeating all the Faceless you looked up "(f/n)~" Yoosung smiled as he walked over to your table "hey" you smiled up at him as he sat down "have you already ordered?" "Only a hot chocolate" you let out a small giggle as you both spoke more, you both had more in common then you thought, his smile never left his face and neither did yours, you both shared a cake and he walked you home "I had fun today Yoosung, thanks" you smiled up at him as he blushed lightly and smiled back "I had fun too, you.. Don't mind if we do this again, right?" "I don't mind at all, here's my number" you smiled as you got your phone out and shown him your number, he then sent you a heart through text so you sent one back, seeing s flash you looked up and blushed "w-why did you take a photo?" "Contact photo and you looked cute smiling down at your phone" you poured lightly and took a picture of his smiling, proud face "thanks again for today" you smiled and leaned up, placing a kiss on his cheek "call me later" you pulled away from him and waved as you walked up the stairs to your apartment


         Yoosung🌟 has entered

707: Yoosung, how was LOLOL?
Yoosung: I wasn't playing LOLOL
707: what were you doing? Lol
Yoosung: I had a date
707: ...
707: ........
Zen: seriously?
Yoosung: she's really funny and likes the same stuff that I do!
Zen: are you lying?
707: lolololol
Yoosung: (Picture of you)
This is her! Cute, right!
Zen: she is pretty cute..
707: Hm.. I ship it, take selfies with each other to rub it in on Zen
Zen: NO!
Yoosung: OH! She's calling me! Bye Seven!

      Yoosung🌟 has left the chat

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