Zen drabble

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Zen asked you to meet him in the park, you sat down on the bench and waited, as soon as he came running over and flicking his ponytail behind his shoulder he apologised for being late, you asked him what it was that he wanted to show you and he took a few steps back "promise you won't hate me?" "Promise" you watched as he closed his eyes and bit his hand, his body turned into lightning and then a TIIIIIIIIITAN appeared "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! THAT EXPLAINS YOUR INHUMAN HEALING ABILITY!" You yelled as everything went white, shooting up from the sofa and looked around with beads of sweat rolling down your face "thank fuck that was a dream" you mumbled as you looked at you collection of the Attack on Titan mangas, DVDs and figures, Zen opened the door and lightly rubbed his eye "what's wrong?" "Are you a Titan!?" "No... No more late night reading, come to bed the sofa isn't comfy" you stood up and walked over to him and done the attack on Titan salute "(f/n) no!" "WIR SIND DER JÄGER!" You yelled as you ran to bed, leaving a sighing boyfriend behind

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