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I feel like this wasn't sad enough.. But if you're currently feeling depressed and/or suicidal please do not read this since there is suicide by the end of the fic

The parties stopped, people asked why but guests remember, you, the party planned fainted mid-speech..

Flash back

You stood up on the stage, holding the microphone to your mouth "and I would like to thank everyone who managed to attend, we hold these parties to help bring people together and to help remember the two people that managed to make this possible, V and Rika.. All this money... Will.." You looked over at Saeyoung who was walking towards the stage rather quickly with Yoosung asking him what's wrong and the others looking at you with a worried look..

Next thing you remember was waking up at home, in the comfort of your bed with a red head sitting by your bed "Sae-" "ran.. Saeyoung is on the phone" he mumbled as he looked worriedly at you "what happened..?" You asked, Saeran turned his head to look at the door, his brother coming through it "(f/n)! I have a doctor on their way! I called 20 different doctors that visits homes!" "Saeyoung.. Isn't that a bit much?" You asked as you sat up, leaning against the headboard "you fainted during a speech and have been asleep for two days" Saeyoung spoke sadly as he sat on the bed, lightly cupping your face and examining it, soon leaving your side to answer the door...

A few years later your condition has worsened, Saeyoung ended up getting a second job but as soon as you shown no signs of recovering he started to ask hospitals if they have anything to help or if any other places abroad could help, nothing so far.. A month passed by and the doctor said it would be best for you to stay in hospital, Saeyoung always came to visit and usually ended up falling asleep by your side, clenching your hand tightly, as if he would open his eyes and noticed his light in this world was gone.. Whenever he wakes up to your smiling face, it fills him with hope every time he sees it, one day while working in a cafe his boss came over to him, holding the phone with a look of sorrow, holding the phone out to him "it's for you.." His boss walked away after he accepted the phone, holding onto the counter and he held the phone to his ear, the words he dreaded to hear coming from the voice on the other end made him feel like he's been stabbed multiple times through his body, slamming the phone down on the table and rushing to his car he sped to the hospital, running to your room and slamming doors open, apologising to nurses and people he bumped into, he stopped outside your room, his hand on the door knob, turning the knob and pushing the door open he looked at your form sadly, taking slow steps towards your bed before dropping down onto his knees, cupping your hand in his and holding it to his lips, tears spiking out of his eyes and he started to pray, he prayed many times before... Was this gods punishment to him? He felt your hand twitch a little, you looked over at him with a weak expression, the light was fading from your eyes "Saeyoung.. Nothing makes me happier then seeing your smiling face.. So please..." You reached your hand out to his cheek and lightly rubbed it "smile for me one.. Last... Time..." Your voice started to fade, his tears poured out more and more as he mustered up his best smile he could "I love you (f/n)... Thank you so much for being my light.." He sniffled lightly as your pale lips curved up into a smile, your eyes glazing over with love.. The look he will miss the most, "I love you too Saeyoung.." A few tears left your eyes before your body fell limp, the monitor in the room declaring your death, a few nurses and doctors rushed into the room "(f/n) Choi, 28, time of death.. 3:14pm" the doctor spoke as he wrote the information down.. Saeyoung sat there, your hand still in his, your lifeless eyes staring into his, standing up and lightly closing your eyes shut he removed his necklace and placed it around your neck before being escorted out the room..

Today was the day of the funeral, it's been a few weeks since your passing and Saeyoung stopped going to work, stopped talking to people, no matter how many times people would ask him if he was okay, he would reply with a "yeah.. I'm fine.." Saeran was the one that was the most worried, he tried to feed him, make sure he's slept enough and didn't spend too much time looking through old pictures, the rain poured heavily as your coffin was lowered underground.. Everyone left but Saeyoung, he stood there in the rain for another hour before returning home

He sat on his bed like any other day, his hair a mess, his eyes without hope and his heart without love, lightly picking up a photo of you smiling he grazed his fingers lightly over it... How long has he been like this? He gave up keeping track after 4 months.. Placing the picture back down and lighting some incense and changing the flowers he then stood up, pulling out a letter and placing it next to your photo, going to the bathroom and looking for his sleeping pills, pulling the cap off and filling his hand with it he walked back to your shrine "a year without you is a lifetime alone.. You saved me from that sadness.." He stared at the pills with a sad smile, picking up your photo and propping it up on the floor he stared at it, propping the pills in his mouth and swallowing them, it took a few minutes till his body started to feel heavy, his eyes that stared at the picture of your smiling face grew dull....
Saeran discovered his brother body a day after, the funeral would be held on Friday, Saeyoung would be buried next to you...
"Saeyoung?" A sweet voice called out, he turned around and his eyes grew wide, tears stilling from his eyes as he ran over to you, engulfing you in a hug, you hugged him back before lightly holding his hand "let's go home Saeyoung" your smile, your loving eyes, your kind words, he missed them so much... He gave you a light nod after pulling you into a hug again, you both stared at your weeping friends before walking away from them, hand in hand, stopping at a White glowing door "does this lead to heaven?" Saeyoung asked as he held your hand tighter "yes.. It leads to our heaven.." You both watched as the door opened, it revealed your house, letting Saeyoung walk through first two small children grabbed ahold of his legs "father!" The young children called out, both twins, a male and a female, both resembled you and Saeyoung......

This was the happy ending you both wanted... This, was your happily ever after

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