Chapter 8

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I came back to our luggage, noticing that Patrick had gone on ahead with Brendon, leaving me with Spencer. He was leaning against a wall, drinking his coffee, and checking his phone. Spencer was thinner than I'd ever noticed, and he'd shaved. "You okay..?" Spencer waved his cup in front of my fac,too, like Patrick had. "Yeah, you and I both know how difficult lead singers can be." Spencer nodded, tapping on his phone. "I figured it'd be better if the team leaders went ahead, too." I nodded, "Yeah, Patrick can amaze somebody with his trivia knowledge," I laughed, realizing he was serious, then wiped the silliness from my face. Then Spencer smiled, "I think Brendon will just make a bunch of weird faces at whoever he meets. Probably begin to sing and stuff," he scoffed, "No one's going to be able to take us seriously." Spencer laughed a bit, then scratched nervously at the back of his neck, "The taxi service said they'd get us a ride in about 30 minutes." I nodded checking my screen, but the battery flashed red, "Works for me." I leaned my head back, and closed my eyes. I shivered a bit, then felt a light material wrap around my torso, then I fell asleep.

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