body shaming

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All everyone talks about it fat shaming.

But what about skinny shaming?

Sure, I've only had experience with he first one,  but I've seen the second one and its disgusting.

Ok look, take a peice of paper.

Now, quickly, without thinking about it, rip it in half.

Is it perfect?


No matter how many times you try, they'll never be the exact same.

That's nature's way of making people.

Of making anything.

If everything was the same, how would we fall in love?

It would be like falling in love with yourself, and that's hard enough as it is for some, let alone if the whole world is like that.

Imperfect = Im-perfect.

You are someone's perfect and all your "flaws" are what make you that perfection.

You can't be good at everything because how could you be good at sports AND be good at failing at the same time?

The world needs balance, and you are just that.

And if you need help remembering that, just try to rip a price of paper in half without thinking about it.


(^O^) ヽ(´▽`)/ (^∇^😐😙😘😚

And just remember, if anyone tells you otherwise, you know where to find me 😈 (I will go flowey on them hence the Christmas pic)

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