#85 and #86 because im too lazy to scroll

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i managed to leave my home without my cellular device and did not notice until i got home and found it on my table. good job mouse. why am i so bad at this responsibility thing. i can carry babies across the street and we are all good but keeping my materials in order nah..... i mean my perfectionistism and ocd will kick in but like, i misplace a lot of crap. this won't have a question mark im too lazy to click shift so nothing is capitalized.

second question is why am i still up my doctor is gonna murder me but you know what, screw you medication im still an insomniac.

alright so i know i need to put out a title so ill do it when people are conscious enough to care.

ok i lied imma do it right now

KWESTIONAHS........... And Other Crap Too XDWhere stories live. Discover now