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How did I forget to change the cover again?

Sans- no one pays attention to that

yeah I know but it entertains me. ok that's all b-

the question? *mutters under breath* that no one pays attention to

*glares* today it is............ umm.... it is... CRAP I FORGOT!

did you even have one to begin with?

yes, actually (for once) I did. I was just mad at the fact that my phone was deciding to autocorrect sans to stabs-

chara- you called?

and then when I fixed that it started auto correcting to sex-

frisk- *signs* im here

and I'm genuinely confused as to why my phone is making such bipolar choices

*makes inappropriate gestures*

*makes stabbing motions*

*eye flickers from chara and blushes from frisk's um.....*

anyway... I guess today's question is what's your favorite candy?

Also can I just say that I feel so sorry for Saint Valentine because his holiday is about affection and everyone is over here like "ugh valentines"

you know what they say!

single pringle ready to mingle

takin bacon ready for love makin

lonely baloney ready to go homey

um no one says th-



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KWESTIONAHS........... And Other Crap Too XDWhere stories live. Discover now