Chapter 3

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The ball was held in a huge hall which was extremely extravagantly decorated. The King obviously wanted to show his power and wealth. That was understandable though, since the ball was held in order to find the future wife of his son and that meant the future Queen.

The room was colorful and full of nobles. From young boys and girls to old men and women, everyone was well dressed and looked distinguished in their overly expensive dresses and suits.

In the middle of the hall, Kris was dancing with a young girl, Julia. He missed the steps often though, since his mind was somewhere else.

"Father, you can't do this. Rory didn't kill that woman. You can't execute him," Kris said loudly. He had tried hard to keep his voice low, since the man standing in front of him wasn't only his father but also the respected King. But it wasn't easy when it came to his best friend.

"Kristian, I have delayed this execution for years, giving you the time to find evidence that Rory is innocence. But, look, son, I can't delay it any longer. People are talking behind my back," the King explained.

"But, father, you know he is innocent. You've known Rory since he was a baby. He would never hurt anyone and you know it," the young Prince argued.

"It's not up to what I believe in, but what the evidence tells us. We found Rory next to the dead body, covered in blood and a with knife in his hand. If he wasn't my nephew, he would have been hanged years ago already. I only adjourned the execution because it was you who asked me to. But I can't do it anymore. I'm the King and if the King doesn't regard his laws, who else will?"

"But, father..." Kris was trying to say something but his dad cut him off.

"I'm sorry, my son, but Rory's execution will be in a month. And that's the end of this discussion."

"No, please listen to me," the Prince begged in frustration.

"I don't want to talk about this topic anymore. Leave. I want to rest now."

"Father..." The Prince tried again, but was interrupted by the King once again.

"Kristian, go back to your chamber," the King commanded. The Prince noticed the anger in his father's voice. He bowed and left the room immediately.

Kris slammed the door of his chamber loudly behind him. Madly, he threw everything he saw against the wall. What the hell should he do? He couldn't let his friend die like this, could he?

A girl's whining cut off the Prince's thoughts. Just then, Kris realized he was so deep in his thoughts that he unknowingly squeezed her hand.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry, my lady. Did I hurt you?" He apologized.

"No, my Prince, I'm fine." Julia answered, faking a smile.

"Please excuse me, I have to leave now. I hope you'll enjoy the ball," Kris said before leaving a pouting Julia behind. He walked toward his friend Liam, who had been standing in the corner the whole night observing everyone closely.

"How is it going? Have you seen anyone suspicious yet?" he asked.

"No," answered Liam simply. "And why would it be someone with a medallion given by the King?"

Why? And once again Kris sunk into his memory.

"Rory, I have to tell you something," the young Prince said, looking at the boy behind the holding cell with sad eyes. It was a private cell, and it was actually more like a simple bed room with a locked grille than a prison.

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