{ Betrayal }

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"Amy, it doesn't have to be him. Maybe it was someone else." Kris tried to comfort the younger girl as they reached the front door of a familiar house.

"It is him. I just know it," answered Amelia, sighed.

It was raining outside. In a child's room, a little boy was sitting on the bed alone, waiting for someone, and flinched as he heard the loud noise of thunders. Jumped up, he ran to the small closet, closed the door. He was sitting on the floor, hugging his legs, and murmured something to himself that was supposed to calm him down but failed.

"Here, mother made your favorite banana cake, you lucky one... Hey where are you?" He heard his best friend's voice coming nearer and then the door opened.

"Here you are. Come out, you don't have to be afraid, Alex."

"Alex, we need to talk," said Amelia as she saw the young boy opened the front door.

"Amy?" Alex said surprisingly with a smile on his face that immediately disappeared as he noticed Amelia's serious expression.

"Come in," he said.

"N-No, I have no idea what you're talking about, Amy." Alex stuttered. Looked on the floor, he was trying hard not to look at his best friend in the eyes.

"You know how important this is. It's a matter of life and death. Please try to remember." Kris said.

"I really don't remember that day. I mean I was so young that I was still afraid of thunders." The younger stepbrother explained.

"I didn't mention the storm," said Amelia with a hurt expression. She knew what that meant. Alex lied to her. But why?

Alex turned pale. "I... It's because you said I was hiding in the closet... and I used to do that when it thundered. I'm sorry I really can't tell you anything."

"Alex," the younger boy bit on his lower lips as he heard Amelia calling him.

"Look at me in the eyes and tell me you don't know anything about the night my mother was murdered, and I'll believe you." Amelia said, looking straight at her stepbrother. Alex held his breath nervously and after a moment of fighting with himself, he finally made it to look at Amelia.

"Amy, I... I..."

Amelia's eyes were fixed on Alex, making the younger boy feel guilty. His stepsister trusted him and all he needed to do now was to use that trust and he would be out of the woods.


"I'm so sorry. I didn't want to lie to you. Please don't be mad. I'm sorry, really."

After a long silence, Alex burst into tears. He wanted to say he didn't see anything that day, but he couldn't. He couldn't look into his sister's eyes and lie to her as if there was nothing.

"Auntie Helena," the young Alex called cheerfully as soon as he saw his favorite aunt.

"Hello, birthday boy." Helena greeted.

"Auntie, today is Alex's birthday. I'm going to be a strong man from now on," beamed Alex.

"You are so cute, Alex." Helena said, squeezed the little boy.

"I'm not cute, auntie. I'm a man," answered Alex, pouted.

"I got it. You are a man now," nodded Helena, smiling. "Does this strong man still like cake? When I got your mom's message that she'll be back from your grandfather's house, I was hoping you'll be with her, so I baked your favorite cake."

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