{ The Truth }

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Hi ladies, I'm sorry for not updating for a while. Life has been a b*tch, so yeah. 


After a short time, which felt like centuries, looking at the girl in front of him, Kris froze as he recognized that adorable nose, those pretty big brown eyes and those kissable rosy lips.

"Amy?" The familiar name unknowingly escaped from his lips, making it harder for Amelia to hold back her tears. She had image this moment for a millions of times. She had thought of every possible thing she could say right now. Yet, all those seemed to be erased from her mind.

"Kris," was all she could say. Just calling the Prince by his name was enough.

Kris' face lit up as he heard the other girl saying his name. "Kris", just simple like that and his heart was melted. All the confusion, all the hatreds were gone, replaced by happiness.

"Amy." The Prince repeated as he moved forwards, pulling the younger girl into his embrace.

Amelia had tried her best not to cry, but the moment she felt Kris's arm wrapped around her skinny body, those tears became uncontrollable. She closed her eyes slowly, wanting to feel the Prince's warmth and nothing else.

The next thing she knew was being alone with Kris in the room and the Prince wiping away her tears, looking straight into her watery eyes.

"I didn't know... really... I didn't... I'm so sorry... I never meant to hurt you," he apologized. He really didn't know it was his Amelia. God, what did he do? Since they met again, he had done nothing but hurting his one true love.

"Why didn't you say anything?" he asked.

"Because..." answered Amelia, looking away. She couldn't look at his eyes. She would break down.

"Because it wouldn't change anything," she said.

"Amy, I don't understand." The Prince said, confused. His mind told him something was odd. Suddenly he was scared about what was coming. Deep inside the Prince was hoping that he was just too sensitive.

"I mean". Amelia said. "Things are different now, Kristian."

No, don't call me Kristian.

"We both changed... Maybe it was good that we didn't see each other the last years." Amelia continued with a monotone, trying her best to hide her true feelings that told her to shut up. Just hug him tightly and never let go again.

"How did we change?" The Prince questioned back with a sudden cold voice, as if he had already given up.

"You're protecting that murderer, Kris. How could you? He killed my mother." Amelia said loudly, almost yelled by the thoughts of the injustice.

"We'll never be the same again," Her faint voice that was barely hearable, yet still able to break Kris' heart.

"What should I do to convince you that Rory is innocent?" The Prince asked in frustration.

Amelia looked at him with empty and emotionless eyes. Right now she was too tired to argue. Too much happened today and she could feel her strengths leaving her body bit by bit.

"He was alone with her in the library that day, and" Amelia said quietly and slowly. Every word required all her strength.

"That means nothing." The Prince interrupted, but too tired to start a discussion, Amelia continued with that faint voice.

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