Chapter 7

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The next day Keil woke up at about mid day, gauging by the angle of sunlight leaking through the leaves. He groaned with discomfort at his still aching body, though the pain was considerably less than the previous night. The blanket his captor left kept him nice and warm, despite the early chill. He let out a long sigh and tried to readjust his left leg, which felt a bit out of place. To his surprise though he hit against a soft yet solid surface. With struggling Keil moved his head just far enough to see his obstacle, only to be shocked by what he saw.

The woman. She was laying there beside him on the dirty grass, fast asleep near his leg. Her face looked weary with fatigue, though oddly beautiful in such a slumbering state. Her breathing was ever quiet and relaxing to listen to, a better replacement for the stressful and unknown sounds of the forest. For a while he just watched her curiously. He felt entranced by her view, captivated even. This land dweller, she was so very lovely to gaze upon, especially when looking so peaceful.

Why was as she here though? Sleeping like this beside him, her captive? It just...didn't make any sense. Of what benefit was it? What was her plan, her angle? Not that Keil could truly complain. Even seeing his enemy like this was better than laying here hopelessly alone. So for a while he just observed her, pondering over their strange meeting today.

Eventually though her sleep wore off, and the woman began to stir. She yawned and stretched out her arms, but then her eyes immediately flew open and she shot up from her seat, meeting his curious stare with wild embarrassment.

Keil's eyes widened with comprehension. This woman, she had not meant to sleep here at all. It had been an accident!

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