Pray You Catch Me

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My lonely ear pressed against the walls of your world, Praying to catch you whispering,
I'm praying you catch me listening

"Your light is inside of me like a raging roar. Like an ocean born, you're in my veins. Your voice is serenity, when the sun goes down. And the strength I've found is in my veins," Demi lightly sang as she rocked her half asleep two year old in her arms, waiting for her breath to even out and her eyes to completely shut. Much to Demi's annoyance, she was sucking on her thumb but she looked so peaceful that Demi didn't have the heart to remove it from her mouth so she let her be. 

"Our story binds us, like right and wrong. Your hand in mine, marching to the beat of the storm," she continued, smoothing one of her curly ringlets that had come loose from her French braid away from her face. 

"Daddy," she whimpered as Demi sighed and readjusted her in her arms. 

"You'll see him in the morning, princess. Go to sleep, okay?" Demi cooed. Ari released a few whines before settling down as Demi started to sing again. 

"And we walk together into the light, and my love will be your armor tonight. We are lionhearts. And we stand together facing a war, and our love is gonna conquer it all, we are lionhearts," Demi finished and finally she was asleep. Demi breathed out a breath of relief as she walked over to her bed and laid Ari down. She kissed her forehead again before turning the nightlight on and leaving the room. 

Demi never liked big houses but her husband did. So she had compromised. They had a huge house but it was still family friendly. But lately, it didn't feel like home and she knew why. Her husband was barely there. If it wasn't a game it was an appearance. If it wasn't an appearance it was "hanging out with the boys" or some promotional party. It was always something. It was never about them, always about him. Over the past six months he had created a world that didn't involve her or their daughter, and Demi could barely tolerate it anymore. 

She heard the alarm beep downstairs which meant that the great and iconic football player himself was home. As soon as she was at the bottom of the stairs he walked into the foyer and didn't even notice that she was standing there. But that seemed to be the continuing theme in their house. She was always there, he just never noticed. 

"Yeah, I'll call you tomorrow after my game. Okay, yeah. Bye." Demi folded her arms over her chest and cleared her throat. 

"Oh, hey baby," he greeted with a lazy smile on his face. He wasn't drunk but he was definitely tipsy. Knowing Odell he had downed a few drinks and convinced himself that he could drive home despite the amount of times that Demi had told him to stop doing that. 

"I thought you said you'd be home in time for lunch or even dinner," Demi said as Odell shrugged and dropped his bag by the door, something that he knew that she hated. But he seemed to do that a lot. There was no regard for what she wanted anymore, it was all about him. 

"The meeting lasted longer than I thought it would then I went to gym for a little bit," Odell explained as Demi nodded her head. He wasn't dressed for the gym. He was in Calvin Klein slacks with a clean polo shirt. 

"And you were at the gym this entire that?" Demi gestured to his outfit as he nodded his head. Demi pursed her lips. Her husband obviously thought that she was a fool. 

"Ariana waited for you all day. You could've called. Can you at least stay around so that you're there when she wakes up tomorrow?" Demi quietly asked. She was tired. She didn't feel like playing 20 questions with her husband when he was just going to lie to her face. 

"Yeah, of course," he said. Demi nodded before looking down at his bag. 

"Move your bag before you go to bed," she demanded before going back up the stairs to go to sleep. And an hour later when Odell finally joined her and tried to wrap his arms around her and bury his face into her neck like he usually did, she moved away. Because even though he had just showered, she still got a whiff of the Chanel No. 2 perfume that she didn't wear. 

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