Love Drought

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I'll always be committed, I been focused
I always paid attention, been devoted
Tell me, what did I do wrong?
But you my lifeline think you're trying to kill me
If it wasn't me would you still feel me?

The hushed whispers between her doctor and Odell told her that they believed that she was still sleeping. That even though she had been brought to the hospital with her pants covered in blood while drifting in and out of consciousness and that even though no one had told her what was wrong with her, she was still able to sleep. She lost a lot of blood. She was unconscious for a little while. But after remembering everything that had happened, after remembering that Odell had ruined their family and couldn't even apologize for it...she couldn't sleep.

Demi heard whispers about bed rest and high blood pressure but they were really making an effort for her not to hear them. She was uncomfortable just lying on her back so she shifted to the side, and finally they stopped whispering and she felt their eyes on her.

"Hey baby, you awake?" Odell questioned as he walked over to her. She slowly opened her eyes and looked over at her unfaithful husband in pure disgust. Demi wanted nothing to do with him at the moment.

"Mrs. Beckham, we need to talk about your condition, and the baby in your stomach," her doctor said as she sat on the edge of her bed. Demi made eye contact with Odell again and saw the confusion on his face. He didn't know and she knew that he didn't know because she purposely didn't tell him. She didn't tell him that she was almost four months pregnant and that he had to buckle down and commit himself to his family because it was too late.

"Your blood pressure was extremely high when you were brought in. Your body was in a state of distress, which is where all the blood was coming from. We took ultra sounds and ran tests so everything is okay for now, but you'll be on bed rest for a month, just to make sure that nothing else happens, okay? We want to deliver this baby as healthy as possible," Dr. Jacobs explained as Demi slowly nodded and played with the pulse monitor on her finger.

"So, looks like your husband is gonna have to step it up for the next month. I want to observe you for a few more hours and if everything is okay, then you can go home. Do you have any questions?" Dr. Jacobs asked as Demi shook her head. If she opened her mouth she would cry, and she didn't want to do that. She didn't want to shed any more tears.

"Okay, I'll let you rest. Mr. Beckham, if she gets hungry just let one of the nurses know and we'll bring something up for her," Dr. Jacobs said before leaving the room. Odell sat in the chair next to her bed and looked at her, but she refused to look back at him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He softly questioned. Everything inside of him wanted to yell and scream at her but he didn't want to upset their child, and he definitely didn't want to upset her.

"You were never there," Demi simply replied, placing her hand over her belly.


"You were never there, Odell. You didn't even notice when I started to gain weight. You didn't do anything when I was waking up every morning and throwing up. I didn't tell you because you weren't there," Demi further explained. Odell nodded, accepting what she was saying because she was right. He wasn't there. He was preoccupied with other things.

"You're always working. Is it a crime that Ari and I just wanna spend some time with you?" Demi questioned as she watched Odell get ready for another one of his endless meetings.

"Aw, you miss spending time with daddy?" Odell teased, going to wrap his arms around his wife until she pushed him away.

"I'm not joking Odell. That's your problem. You never take me seriously!"

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