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~Lapis's POV~

I walk through the busy halls of Beach City University (BCU). I love the place!!! It had great courses and a beautiful campus right on the beach! Not to mention that they just updated the dorms! I drag my light blue metallic suitcase behind me until I reach it, room 289. It was on the top floor which thrilled my because I love being up high! I use my key and open the door. In side I find two girls already talking at a small table at the left most side of the apartment. One girl had light purple hair and tan skin. The other had light blonde hair and light skin. "Hi!" I said cheerfully and pulled my suitcase in front of me and continued "I'm your other roommate, Lapis Lazuli, like the mineral!" The purple haired girl smiled and said " hey I'm Amethyst Martinez! Nice to meet you!" The blonde girl stared at her phone and said," hey I'm Peridot Lenerd, wassup." I looked at the awesome apartment. The windows were great and there was a nice kitchen and a full bathroom! There were three bedrooms so I walked down the small hallway to find mine. In the first one there was a bed with a green comforter and light green pillow, a nice desk with a computer and lots of other techno stuff, and a dresser with some pictures and batteries on top of it. Guess that one is taken. The next one had a bed with a purple duvet cover and black pillows, a desk with a laptop and some in hung posters on it and a dresser with a jewelry stand and some paper on it. Taken as well. Then I got to my room! The walls, bed, desk, and dresser were all bare and were my canvas to decorate freely! I grab my two suitcases and lay them on the floor. I unpack my clothes first and organize them into my dresser, then I pull out my laptop and my iPad and plug them both in on my desk, then I make my bed and put on the light blue sheets and the white comforter. I put on the final touches and put my suitcases under my bed. I head out in search for food. Amethyst is sketching something and peridot is in her room working on a remix or something like that. " hey you guys I'm gonna order pizza! What do you want?" I ask. "I don't care!!! Just get me a liter of Mountain Dew!!" Said peridot. "I don't really care either and Mountain Dew sounds fine to me." Amethyst says. "Ok I'll get pepperoni and Mountain Dew!" I said.
The pizza arrived and peridot grabbed a water bottle out of her room and filled it up with Mountain Dew and left " no food? Aren't you hungry?" I asked. "Ha don't worry yourself Laz! That girl's got a life time supply of Doritos in there," Amethyst remarks" she'll last through the zombie apocalypse!" "Heh" I smirk major league gamer coming through I thought. I grab a piece of pizza and head to my room. I stare through my window at the nice beach sunset and pull out my papers and my pencils. I start to draw my roommate playing undertale and download it onto my computer. I finish it on there. So far my college life was going just fine.

AN: HAIIIII I hope you are enjoying it so far. I have the next few chapters in all of their POVs but I am going to change it to just lapis' and occasionally Peridot's or Amethyst's. I wrote this a while ago so the chapters are gonna whirl in pretty fast :3! I am on chapter four and all of them are probably gonna get posted tonight plus possibly a fifth and sixth chapter. I will try and update my other two books as well.

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