●~Chapter 1, The letter~●

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Ciel Phantomhive was in his study, doing (what he thought useless) paperwork, until Sebastian entered his study. Ciel looked up, "what is it?" Sebastain respectfully bowed and put a letter infront of his young lord, "A letter, young master says urgent on the back so I brought your mail up early." Ciel opened the letter, huffing and read it, a confused but amused look crossing his face. The letter read:

Dear, Ciel Phantomhive.     
It comes to my notice that your the only living relative of Kenta Ace, a recent foster child,due to a recent hurricane her father, mother, and sister passed away and you are her only living relative, please take responsibility of this child. For future information please, write back.
Silent Cross Orphanage

Ciel scoffed, "what the hell.?" Sebastain tilted his head, "What is it my lord..?" "A orphanage wants me to take in a child they persume to be my relative. I cant take in a child" Sebastain nodded "It would look good for you...people would see responsibility and and trust." Ciel thought the. Shrugged  "alright.. write them and tell them to send her in a carriage." Sebastain smiled "yes my lord." And left Ciel to his work.

((( Hey! Welcome to my story, this is my first on Ive written, sorry if it's short.  Tell me if you like it, Ill cherish your comments!

*All pictures arent mine,*
~Bye bye my little sparks!)))

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