Day out,

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(((So sorry for the suuuuper late update. School started ugh. As always, dont own the characters , only Kenta, and pic isnt mine.)))

True to her word, Alois was back a week later, grinning devilishly at Ciel. "You know you love me." He teased. "I. DO. NOT. Tch.. Why are you here.," Ciel growled. "Kenta and I are going to hang out in town, she has a life you know.." Alois replied darkly. "Im well aware, she just shouldn't have one with you in it." Ciel snapped as Kenta was running down the stairs and hugged Alois "Your here! Yay!!" She giggled, her blue eyes shimmering. Ciel was about to say something but stared at Kenta "ugh. Dont be gone long.." Kenta clapped and cheered as Alois led her out to a carriage.

The carriage bounced over stones as Kenta and Alois traveled to town, "So what are we goin' to do today?" Kenta asked excitedly. Alois shrugged "walk around, find stuff to do.." Kenta nodded and leaned out the window. "If the door falls open im going to laugh at you." Alois teased, "It'll be ok if I do, it wont be like 100 people will know," She giggled as they came to a stop near a shop. Kenta lept from the carriage and Alois stepped.out after her, gazing around.

Kenta grabbed Alois's hand and ran into the first shop, a toy shop. "Ooh.. lookie!" Kenta thrusted a stuffed fox in Alois's face, "cute. Want it?" He asked, tilting his head,  Kenta's eyes lit up "You'll buy it for me?!" She squeaked and Alois nodded.  Kenta hugged him squealing, many people stared at them, smiling "how adorable" A woman said looking at them, "Thank you.." Alois shrugged, "Is she your sister?" She asked, "No, I wish. Im Kenta, Ciel Phantomhive's cousin, I live with Ci-Ci." Kenta interjected. The woman crouched patting Kenta's head, "Your so adorable, how old are you?." Kenta giggled "10." "Oh, your quite short for your age.." She chuckled, Kenta's eyes darkened, frowning, her hands clenching into fists.  "IM. NOT. SHORT!" She yelled, startling Alois and the woman. The womsn quickly stood up, "Good lord.." she muttered then shuffled away.

"Remind me never to call you short.." Alois sighed as they left the store after purchasing the plush. Kenta hugged the fluffy toy close "That would be wise," She smiled. Alois took her to a sweet shop and they ate 'lunch', Cake and milk. "We should head back to the manor after this.." Alois sighed, and Kenta nodded, huffing.

Alois and Kenta shuffled out of the shop, and pranced back to the carriage, Kenta lept in and Alois hopoed in after her. "You should cone over some time.." Alois offered, shrugging, Kenta clapped "Yesss!!" She laughed as the carriage started going, but on the way back it was suddenly stopped, the shrill scream of the driver echoed in Kenta's ears, her eyes widened in fear, "A - Alois.. what was that.." She whined. " I..I have no clue.." Alois and Kenta leaned out a window, Alois quickly pulled her back, but wasnt quick enough.. she gasped at what she saw... the driver was lying face down on the ground, blood seeping out of his body. "Little bird... dont be afraid.." A cold voice cut the silence. Then the carriage door flew open, a figure stood there, a black robe covering their whole body.  "Who the hellare you! " Alois yelled, standing in front of Kenta, pressing her against the other door of the carriage. The figure shook lightly, Kenta heard its laughter, then the door behind then opened, sending them down onto the hard road, Alois knocked his head on the road and was out cold. There was a new figure standing above Kenta, a metal pipe in hand. "Dont hurt me.." She whimpered.. putting her hands infront of her face protectively, the figure chuckled, rising the pipe then crashed it on her head, Kenta saw a flash of white them plummeted into darkness....

(((I loved writing this one :3 Sorry again for late update.. I'll try harder DX love me!!
Hehe remember I feed on your comments! ♡
Bye bye my lil sparks~♡~)))

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