Part 2~More than a dream

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"Wicked is good. Bethany wicked is good" a woman said.
"Thomas? Thomas?"  A younger girls voice said as I was standing in the middle of a lab in all white with a stand in front of me.
CHUCK!" Another girl screamed with a voice much like my own. I looked to my left to see a boy with dark brown hair.
"Thom- Thomas."
On my right a girl with dark brown hair was staring at the boy.
"NOOO!" A girl screamed.
"I love you Beth." There were giggles around you.
"Wicked is good."
"Look after your brother. Look after Chuck."

I woke with a start, making me almost fall off my bed, sweat pouring off me. Chuck? Why was his name bothering me. I made my way over to my clothes, maybe going for a morning run when I was a bit of paper on the floor. I crouched down to pick it up and saw that it was a photo. There was a man with one of his arms around a woman who I presumed to be his wife. His hand was resting on a small girl with long brown curly hair and brown eyes. 'Is that... Me?' I thought I looked over to the woman to see her holding a younger boy with curly hair and a massive grin. I instantly knew who that was. Chuck. So he was my brother. I paced around my room with my hands in my hair before I made my way to the fresh supply of water. I looked inside of it to see that my eyes were bloodshot from last night. Last night. Oh god what am I gonna do, they probably all hate me now. 

I made my way out of my room and into the glade, not noticing the worried and concerned look on everyone's faces and made my way over to the entrance of what Chuck told me was the maze. I looked at the wall with everyone's names on it and sighed. I would never be on there, they didn't think me as one of them.

"Hey Beth!" A voice said and it turned out to be Minho's.
"Hey Minho." I sighed.
"You gave us a bit of a fright the other night. You okay?"
"Yea I'm fine it was just Gally."
"What he do?" Minho asked as I saw his muscles tense.
"He tried to kiss me."
"He what?! I'm gonna kill him."  I chuckled a bit at Minho's comment before he came over to me and hugged me and I hugged him back. "Here" Minho said and passed me a dagger.
"Is this for me to kill Gally with?" Minho chuckled and took my hand from behind me and lead my hand to under neath his name.
"Just carve your name here." I felt like Minho's the only person I can trust, well apart from Chuck. Oh my god Chuck.
"Minho can I tell you something that you promise not to tell anyone else."
"Sure go ahead."
I took a deep breath and blurted out "IthinkChuckmayormaynotquitepossiblybemybrother."
"What?" He asked "I didn't hear you, you were to fast."
I sighed and said "I think Chuck is my brother Minho."
"What? How! Is just cause your friends?"
"No Minho." I put the dagger down but I wasn't finished all it said was 'Beth'. I sat down with my back on the wall and Minho joined me. I pulled the picture out of my pocket and handed it to him.
"That girl looks a lot like you Beth."
"Yea I kno... Wait Beth?" I asked in confusion.
"Sorry I didn't realise."
"It's fine don't worry I like it. I might keep it like that." I said with a smile but we turned our attention back to the picture.
"Holy shuck face that looks so much like Chuck."
"I know. And Minho that isn't the only thing. I've been having these really weird dreams."
"What about?"
"Well there was this voice a woman's voice saying..."
"HELLP!" I snapped my head up to see Chuck pinned to the ground by Aiden. Minho and I instantly jumped up and ran over to Chuck. I got there first and pushed Aiden off Chuck. I grabbed Chuck by the side of his face and looked into his eyes.
"You okay?" I asked and he nodded frantically.
"Bethany he's getting away!" I looked to see the gladers chase Aiden, but he was too fast. Quickly I looked around for something to throw at him when I found a bow and arrow. I aimed it at his foot and as soon as I let go the arrow hit him just where I planned. Aiden rolled around in pain as Chuck and I ran up.
"Nice shot Bethany." Newt complimented.

"Thanks. Whats wrong with him?" I asked.

"Do you reckon?" Winston asked looking at Alby.

"I don't know. Lift his shirt." Alby ordered.

"Alby please please don't do this." Aiden pleaded.

"Do what?" I asked in confusion. Zart lent down to lift his shirt up and the boys stepped back in shock while I just stared.

"How is this possible it's the middle of the day?" Jeff asked.

"I don't know but we need to put him in the pit." Alby explained as they started to lift him up.

"Medjack!" Newt shouted.  I stood back gripping onto my hair taking deep breaths.

"Beth you okay?" Minho asked with a worried tone.

"Yea I'm fine."


"What happened?" I asked. Everyone was gathered in a big meeting room and was chatting before it went silent when I asked the question.

"He was stung. That's all you need to know." Gally said.

"All I need to know!  Gally I need to know how to defend myself against this thing."

"We uh don't know how to kill it. I mean we've never seen one before Beth." Minho exclaimed.

"Beth?" Gally asked.

"Gally stop. Right Bethany we need to get you a job."

"A runner," Minho said.

"What Minho are you sure you want to risk her life already." Alby said.

"She can manage herself did you see her shoot that arrow and she was faster than me. I think she's more than capable." Minho argued.

"Well Bethany what do you want to do?" Newt asked.

"A runner sounds great! I'd love to do that!"

"Okay well you start tomorrow. You'll go with Minho and I" Ben exclaimed.

"Great thanks Ben!" I said cheerfully.

"Alright guys meeting over!" Alby shouted. The boys shoved their way out the door while I waited behind so I could get out with ease.
"Beth wait up!" I spun around to see Minho jogging up to me. "You didn't finish earlier with what you were saying with Chuck."
"Oh yea umm. Do you mind if we go somewhere else, somewhere more private. My hut perhaps?" 
"Uhh sure."
I took Minho to my hut and sat on the edge of my bed and told him everything. About the picture about the voice about the dream and he was, well shocked.
"Wow that's a lot to take in are you okay?"
"Yea I'm fine I guess."
"Okay well it's pretty late we should go get some food."
"No I'm alright you go ahead I'm not hungry."
"Okay well I'll see you tomorrow Beth."
"By Minho." I said as I waved goodbye and then laid down. Then they started again.

"The sun has scorched our world"an old woman said.

"You are so special my little Bethany." A younger voice said.

"Billions of lives lost to fire, famine, suffering on a global scale. The fallout was unimaginable."

"HELP US PLEASE HELP!" Voices screamed.

"What came after was worse. We called it the flare."

"How is this possible?" Jeff's voice echoed around my head.

"A deadly virus that attacks the brain." It is violent, unpredictable."

"The middle of the day?"

"Incurable. Or so we thought."
"Alby please please don't do this. Alby! ALBY!"

That was three years ago and we are still trapped.

A/n I don't own the maze runner or any of the characters I only own Beth

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