Chapter 6- Night in the Maze

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Minho quickly regained consciousness before Thomas had ran into the maze and he was currently resting his back on the maze wall.

"Good job, you just killed yourself" he panted.

Thomas stated freaking out, now paniced after his heroic actions.

"Minho, that's enough, he was only trying to help me." I scowled, before shuffling over to Minho and bandaged his head up with a piece of my shirt.

Thomas walked over to Alby's limp, dead looking body inspecting his injuries. 

"What happened to him?" he asked worriedly

"What does it look like?" Minho sarcastically answered 

"He got stung" I clarified, giving Minho a death glare.

"What happened to his head?"  

I looked back up at Minho before looking down and saying "I did what I had to do". I could feel Thomas glaring at me with concern but his look was quickly replaced with a look of fear when he heard a Griever screeching in the distance. I pushed myself up and walked over to Thomas and Alby "Now, we need to get Alby into safety before it turns dark, seeing a you can barely walk, Tommy I need you to help me lift him." 

"No Beth we gotta go. The maze is already changing."

"Minho don't you dare leave us. At least help us carry him, that's the least you could do, we can't just leave him here."

Within an instant Thomas had wrapped Albys arm around his shoulder, repeating my actions, and lifted him up with all my might. With my knees shaking, and Minho limping in front holding Alby's legs and we picked up a quick walk, guiding ourselves around the maze. 

The three of us panted and grunted yourself around the maze before coming to a forked walkway.

"Where do we go now?" Thomas asked while Minho and I were trying to figure out where we were.

"Uhh okay, just sit him down. Sit him down" Minho panted. I carefully sat up his body on the wall, when I heard a scream coming from the maze. "This isn't gonna work. We got to go. We got to go." Minho huffed

"Wait, wait wait what are you talking about we gotta do something. We gotta hide him." Thomas replied while Minho was pacing around and while I took another sip of my nearly empty water bottle.

"Where?" Minho replied aggressively and quickly

"I-I don't know, Minho. Just think... you're telling me there's not a single place we can take him? Thomas stuttered. 

That flipped Minho's switch and he swiftly turned around and pushed Thomas against the wall holding him by his shirt collar.

"Minho stop! Cut it out!" I whisper yelled, but it was hopeless

"Listen to me shuck-face, all right? Take a look around! There's nowhere to go!" he spat in Thomas's face. I turned around in frustration to see a wall full of vines. "You don't get it, we're already dead." Instantly getting an idea I dragged Alby by his feet and starting tying the vines around him. By that point Thomas had barged himself past Minho and the two scared and angered boys followed my actions.

After about 15 minutes the three of us had pulled his surprisingly heavy body almost half way up the wall. A deep growl came from around the corner and Minho peeked his head around. "Minho what the hell are you doing, come on we're almost there. Come on"

"Guys we gotta go, we gotta go right now" he said frantically.

"What? No, no, no. Just a little more and we'll tie it off" replied Thomas   

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