Chapter 4 saviour

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Thom-thom thomas.

No I thought get out of my head

My eyes fluttered open as the sun creeped through the gap in the cabin. I stretched my arms and legs, grateful that I didn't have a run today, and went to go and get some clean water to fill my bath. As I made my way over to the lake I saw Ably having a talk with Thomas. It still must've been pretty early because there was still a mist on the horizon. It looked as if Alby was getting Thomas to carve his name in the wall. "I still need to finish my name" I thought, remembering that it still only said Beth on it.

After I finished my bath I got changed and went to the training area. It looked as if everyone was now up so I grabbed a sword and started practicing. I practiced with many different weapons, swords, knifes, spears and bows and arrows of course. But it wasn't like I needed any practice, I was better than all of the slicers combined. I stared swinging the sword around and hitting the straw filled dummies when I heard someone screaming in the distance. My head snapped around to find Thomas being chased by who looked to be Ben. Hurriedly I sprinted over to them as Ben pinned Thomas down in the floor  and grabbed a spade on the way. I hit Ben around the head with the spade,  offered Thomas my hand and  pulled him up.

"Thanks Bethany" he said  breathlessly. Meanwhile the guys where pinning down Ben so he couldn't run away.

"Yo what the hell happened?" asked Frypan

"He just attacked me" Thomas replied. Slowly Alby made his way to the middle of the crowd looking down at Ben. 

"No, no, no,no" Ben Panted 

"Alright lift his shirt" Alby commanded

"I didn't mean it" he whined

"Lift his shirt" 

Gally grabbed the hem of Bens shirt and pulled it up, revealing a large wound with blue veins showing around it. Every one winced back in disgust at the sight.

"He's been stung. In the middle of the day?" Gally questions.

Ben kept begging for help but all Alby says is "Put him in the pit." Some gladers pick up Ben and carry him over to the pit.

"History seems to be repeating itself." I mumble

"Wait you mean that this has happened before?" asked Thomas. I looked at Alby then at Thomas and sighed, before noticing Minho running out of the maze and jogging over to him.

"Minho, somethings happened."


Minho was walking towards the maze  holding the rope that was tying Ben's hands behind his back and I wasn't following far behind with a knife and bag in my hand. Ben kept growling and asking for us to listen to him, but there was nothing we could do to help him. Minho violently threw Ben onto his knees. I went behind them and cut the rope letting Ben fall on the floor, whilst coughing out and whimpering. I grabbed the bag and walked over to the entrance of the maze. Ben looked up at me with pleading eyes and was begging me, I couldn't do it, there had to be a way to help him. Minho saw the look of sorrow on my face, walked over to me and snatched it from my hands and chucked it in the maze. How could he be so heartless?  A gust of wind came from the maze blowing the air into my face as Ben started whimpering even more.

"Post" Alby shouted and Ben tried to stand up. As some gladers pushed him in he tried to fight back, but it was useless. The entrance slammed shut and Bens screamed echoed throughout the glade.

"He belongs to the maze now." 

A tear fell from my eye as I thought of all the possible ways I could've saved him, but it was no use he was gone.

"Beth?" Minho said cautiously placing a hand on my shoulder as the Gladers walked away, but I just shrugged him off.

"Don't talk to me" I said and stormed off to my room.


I sat in front of the roaring fire, watching each flame dance in its own way. I could hear the mumbles of Chuck and Thomas's conversation but I didn't really care.

"Umm Beth,  I wanted to say sorry," a voice said. Minho

"Well sorry's not gonna bring Ben back from the dead" I replied and stormed off once again.

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