Chapter 5 Trapped

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That night I could barely get to sleep. The noise of the dagger being dragged across Ben's name kept replaying in my head; and then the dreams started again. The same voice spoke softly in my head "wicked is good".  I saw him as well, Thomas, he was with another girl, with long dark hair. I didn't trust her. Something was off.

"Beth?" said a worried voice, "BETH". I woke up to Minho standing above me.

"Jesus Minho what the hell are you doing!" I shouted

"I came to see if you were okay, I heard you screaming, and you're sweating like hell" 

"Oh, um I'm fine" I dryly replied

"You sure?" he questioned.

"Yes, now let me get ready and we can go"


Newt stood at the entrance at the glade and waited for Alby, Minoh and I. 

"Sup Newty" I said. From the corner of my eye I could see that Minho was getting pissed and I loved it so I rested my arm on his shoulder to annoy him even more, and it worked.

"So you know what your mission is today?" asked Newt.

"Sure thing, retrace Ben's footsteps" I replied.

"Okay good luck" said Newt and walked off into the camp.


The rain started pouring down while we were on our last break. I took a big gulp of water while sitting in a corner of the maze. It was a long run today as we found some new things that we didn't already know about. Minho had gone for a quick stroll to see how much longer it would take for us to get back to the glade, so it was just me and Alby sitting alone in an alleyway of the maze.

With a sigh I rested my head on the wall. Then a slight grunting noise came from Alby. As it was getting louder he started shaking and punching the floors. Slowly I stood up and took slow steps towards him.

"Hey bro are you okay?" I asked but the grunting only got louder. "Alby?" I asked and placed my hand on his shoulder. 

Suddenly his head shot up and he looked at me with his dark, now blood shot eyes. 

He launched at my and wrapped his large hands around my small neck and I let out a piercing scream. 

"IT'S YOUR FAULT!" he said as his grasp tightened. I tried to scream again or at least take a breath but I could feel the blood rushing to my head.

"BETH!" a voice shouted. Minho.

Alby's grasp relesed from my neck and I took in a big gasp of air and went into a coughing fit.

The two guys then went into a violent fight as I was casually dying in the corner. Alby pushed Minho off of him and threw him onto the wall. Minhos head hit the wall with a violent and painful thud and fell to the floor. But before Alby could hurt Minho again I slammed his head onto the wall and knocked him unconscious.

I lifted both of the boys up and carried them over my shoulders. Minho kept slipping in and out of consciousness so he would take a few little steps and then fall asleep again. 

Suddenly I heard the cogs moving and heard the door starting to close. I turned the corner to see all of the galders waiting at the entrance. With all of my might I dragged the boys along on  my back to try and get out of the maze. 

"Come on Beth!" They shouted

"Leave them!" Others said. 

I looked at chuck through the small gap in the wall

Look after your brother  

I have to look after him. I can't fail. 

But I was too late, there was no way of me getting through there. But then I saw him, I saw Thomas squeeze through the small gap of the door. 

Why did he do that?

We're trapped.

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