Chapter 3 Similar faces

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I let the wind flow through my hair as I ran through the maze with Minho and Ben not far behind. I took turn to find a dead end and sat down on a rock. Not long after Minho and Ben turned around the corner to find me sitting down on the rock. They approached me slowly and sat ether side of me.
"I still don't know how your faster that me." Minho said before taking a long drink from his bottle.
"Well, I can't help that I'm amazingly talented." I replied before flicking my hair as Ben let out a chuckle.
"Come on love birds we better get going before it gets dark." Ben exclaimed making Minho and I roll our eyes.

On our way back I ran a bit slower so I was at the same pace as the boys.

"Wonder if we're gonna get get a new Greenie today?" Ben asked as we turned another of the many corners.

"Yea it's been long enough." I said before imagining what the Greenie might look like. I was praying for it to be a girl. I know I have my guy- friends but it would be great to have a girl around because we could relate to things. But I didn't want it to be a wussy girl who refuses to do anything. That would be horrible.

Minho, Ben and I turned the last corner and jogged out of the maze to reveal Chuck with a new boy. Ben said something to Chuck but I didn't hear what he said. I was too focused on the Greenie.

"Thom-thom - thomas." a voice said, ringing in my head. It couldn't be could it? No its not possible. I shook my head and carried on jogging. In the corner of my eye I could see Minho giving me an evil glare but I jogged off in a different direction, over to the food. Duh!

"Hiya Bethany!" Frypan shouted, waving at me.

"Hi Fry" Frypan chucked me a fresh bottle of water which I chugged down in seconds. I turned around to go find Minho but before I could I noticed Gally approach the Greenie. I quickly sprinted over to them but I wasn't quick enough. Gally had shoved the greenie onto the floor. I grabbed Gally's shirt and pulled him back.

"Gally what the hell?" I shout as he looks back at Thomas, I mean the Greenie.

"We gotta stop meeting like this Greenie." he said.

The Greenie looks at Gally before he starting to struggle underneath Gallys foot. "Get off me." the Greenie said before scrambling around on the floor.

"Alright calm, calm, calm calm." I said putting my hands in front of me, surrendering.

"Hey, don't touch me!" he screamed as the other Gladers start to run up and help with the situation.

"Whoa take it easy, take it easy, just relax" Gally said, trying to calm him down.

"Hey, what the hell is wrong with you guys?" he shouted.

"Just calm down, all right?" newt said as he approaches the frustrated boy.

"No, okay," he replies, "why won't you tell me what's out there?"

"We're just trying to protect you man." Alby said.

"It's for your own good."

"All right, you guys can't just keep me here." he argued back.

"We can't let you leave." replied Alby.

"Why not?"

A loud rumbling noise comes from he entrance of the maze. Every ones eyes turns to the door as the rumbling continues, when a big gust of wind and dust hit us. I shielded my face with my arm to prevent any dust going into my eye.

"What the hell?" the Greenie quietly mumbled before the two concrete doors wind themselves shut and as soon as they do, a crashing sound echoes across the glade.

"Next time, I'm gonna let you leave," Gally said to the Greenie before the others headed back to work.

"Welcome to the Glade." Alby said before heading off with the others.

The Greenie turned around to watch them leave and then turned back around to look at me. He Glared at me for a bit like there was something about me that he recognized but he shook it off and walked away. There's something about him, he's curious, like me. I didn't want to look like a weirdo standing around by the maze doors so I headed off to my room.


Splashed some cool water on my face, when there was a knock on the door. Four knocks.

"JUST A MINUTE MINHO!" I yelled. I dried my face, pulled up my hair and walked out the room to reveal a frustrated looking Minho.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Nothin." He sternly replied.
"If you say so." I said and started to head over to the party.
The bonfire had already been lit and the boys were dancing and doing flips, with some of them shouting and chanting Gladers.
I looked around to find the Greenie, before finding Minho glaring at me. I smirked and walked over to him. Sitting down I placed my head on Minho's shoulder, smiling.
"You going out tomorrow?" He asked looking down at me.
"Probably not. I wanna practice."
"Practice Beth?" Minho said sitting up so I was looking at him. "You're already so talented."
I blushed and looked down when his hand went to my cheek. I looked up into his brown eyes and he looked back into my own.
"You're so beautiful." He mumbled.
"Oh shuck I said that out loud didn't I?" He said placing his head in his hand, dropping his other one down from my cheek.
"Hey." I said placing my hand on his shoulder, "it's okay"
He looked up at me and smiled. His hand slowly returned to my cheek and slowly, pulling us close together. Slowly I started to close my eyes and lean in myself. Just as our lips were about to touch, a loud grunt came from the other side of the fighting circle. I whipped my head around to see the Greenie laying on the floor. The boys started to chant Greenie as Minho and I started to join the growing crowd. The Greenie stood up and started to get into the circle, making a roar of cheers come from the other Gladers.

About 20 seconds into the fight, the Greenie was being crushed. When Gally had shoved the Greenie to the ground for the millionth time, he landed directly by my feet. He looked up at me and I slightly tapped my hips, indicating to him that that's were to aim. He nodded a thanks and stood up.
As soon as he stood up he ran over to Gally and grabbed his back behind his waist and he gabbed the Greenie's armpits. The Greenie slapped Gally's back hard and let him fall, causing a cheer throughout the Glade.
"Not bad for a Greenie huh?" He asked just before Gally swung his legs around, causing the Greenie to trip and slam his head on the ground.
Gally and some of the other Gladers were saying some stuff but my eyes were fixed on the Greenie.
"Thomas." He mumbled, "my name it's Thomas!"
There was a silence before Alby shouted "THOMAS!" All of the boys ran over to him welcoming him properly to the Glade.
But I just stayed dead still.
How is this possible?
How can he be hear?


A/n "where's gamora?" "Who's gamora?" "Why's gamora" just thought I'd add that in there for my fellow marvel fans ;)

A/n I don't own the maze runner or any of the characters I only own Beth

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