Chapter 7- The Girl

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We all had Alby's weight on us when we heard the doors opening and a sigh of relief left our lips and we all smiled and looked at each other. Both Thomas and Minho had one of Alby's arms over their shoulders and I carried his feet over one of mine. We worked our way around the maze from memory, desperately heading towards the entrance.

We turned the final corner when I heard someone mutter "no way" and looking up I saw the guys walking away from the maze with Chuck still waiting at the entrance. 

"Yeaaa! YES!" cheered Chuck and with my final push of energy I raced towards the entrance with Minho, Thomas and Alby. Some medjacks took Alby's unconscious body, and as soon as he was free from my grasp, I grabbed Chuck in a bone crushing hug. "You guys saw a griever?" he asked as soon as I let him go.

"Yea we saw one " Thomas replied

"They didn't just see it" Minho panted, "they killed it, both of them did"

I looked up to see the glade staring at Thomas and I in disbelief, and then glanced at each other, knowing the shit we had got ourselves into.


We were all huddled in the meeting hut, with Thomas and I sat in the corner and everyone's eyes on us, when Gally started to speak, "Things are changing, and there's no denying that. A while ago Aiden got stung in broad daylight, then Ben and now Alby. And  now our greenie here has taken it upon himself to go into the maze. Which is a clear violation of our rules here."

"Yea but he saved Alby's life" interrupted Frypan 

"Did he?" 

"Oh quit the dramatics Gally" I shot back, earning a hard stare from him.

"For 3 years we have co-existed with these things, an now you two have killed one of them. Who knows what that could mean for us."

"It could mean a chance for us to escape!" I replied

"You don't know that Bethany! You acted without care like you always do, I should have known a girl wouldn't be capable of being a runner"

"EXCUSE ME?!" I yelled, standing up but Minho was quick to get to me and wrap his arm around my waist to refrain me.

"What do you suggest we do" Newt interrupted to diffuse a bit of tension.

"They have to be punished" Gally replied before the others started having a go at him, trying to reason with him, and it is a bit of an understatement that Minho was absolutely pissed.

"Minho you were there with him, what do you think" asked Newt, once again trying to diffuse the tension.

"I think" he sighed "in all the time we've been here no ones ever killed a griever before. When I turned tail and ran, this dumb shank stayed behind with Beth to help Alby. Look I don't know if he's brave, or stupid. But whatever it is we need more of it, we need to be more like Beth and Thomas because they're the ones that killed a griever. I say we make him a runner." 

Once again the hut went into an uproar. I looked at Minho and smiled before looking at Thomas, before everything went blurry. 

People were shouting and arguing, but I slowly made my way over to the door sensing something was off. Suddenly the glade started to shake and the siren of the box sounded and before I knew it I was already sprinting over to it.

The box started to open and as Newt approached me I looked at him and we started to open the gate on top. As soon as it was open I jumped in to the box empty of supplies, but only a girls limp body lying there. 

"Bethany what do you see?" someone asked

"It's another girl" I smiled, but still insanely confused. Why now why was it so soon 

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